Part 24- after the trip

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The photo has no relevance to the story... it's just funny XD

Sawamura Pov

It's Sunday night, we just had our last meal for on this trip and are walking back to the cabin. Miyuki's back is pretty much healed only a few spots where I dug my nails deeper are still there. I think I must have apologised a million times, I stopped limping today so I should be fine for practice as usual when we get back.

For our way back we decided to tie everything to our backpacks so we don't have to carry them in our arms again. Miyuki is walking next to me as our hands are interlaced between us, we have been walking nearly an hour since we had dinner and it's starting to get dark. I'm gripping Miyuki's hand tightly as we walk along the path. "We should be at the reception cabin soon, right?" I ask a bit of fear creeping into my voice as Miyuki tugs my arm slightly so I walk close to him. "It's right there," he points forward with his right hand.

I sigh in relief as we stop in front of the cabin that is lit up by outdoor lights and camping lanterns. Everyone walks up the steps to the little lobby area to sign out. I and Miyuki are last and when we step up to the desk the woman that was there last time is smiling at us. "I hope you both had an amazing time. You seem very close," I'm signing my name again with the date and I step back slightly as Miyuki signs as well, "you could say that," Miyuki says before looking at me and then the woman.

"Thank you for having us," we say in unison, I laugh slightly at that as Miyuki pokes my nose and interlaces our hands again. We walk out the cabin and down the steps towards the bus, I take my hand out of his as we both take the stuff off our bags and shove them into the luggage area under the bus. I run up the steps slightly looking back at Miyuki sticking my tongue out, "I get the window seat!" I climb into the second row seat on my right, I smile brightly before putting my backpack at my feet.

Miyuki walks on a bit slower than me and yawns, "why are you so loud and full of energy?" He says sitting down and throwing his own backpack on his feet and closing his eyes. "Would you change how I am though?" I say smiling and moving a little closer to him. "If I could make you mute... maybe," I pout slightly as he opens his left eye and looks at me, "though... without you being loud you wouldn't be you so I would leave you as you are... I guess," he moves his head a little to the left as he looks at me.

I smile brightly at him before kissing him slightly and then leaning my head on his shoulder, "love you Mikii," I say quietly as he mumbles slightly, "love you too, partner," everyone was talking as we fell asleep to the gentle vibrations of the bus' engine.


"Wake up you two!" I hear a loud voice say before a loud laugh. I open my eyes to see Kuramochi... "we're back at the school. It's really late so we need to be quiet, the second and third string got back an hour before us," I hear a slight growl from Miyuki as he opens his eyes as well. "We have classes tomorrow..." he says grudgingly before I move my head off his shoulder grabbing my backpack as Miyuki does the same. We stand up and move off the bus slowly as Kuramochi walks quickly to catch up to Kominato.

I walk off the bus after Miyuki and I lean against him as he wraps his left arm around me as we walk back to my dorm room. Kuramochi and Kominato just walked into the room and are probably getting changed into nightclothes or just going to sleep.

As we walk into my dorm room I slip off my shoes as Miyuki does the same and he puts both our shoes on the rack. I walk towards my bed and I take my backpack off throwing it on the floor before crawling into my bed. Miyuki soon slips in next to me and sets his glasses on his phone, my idea since he constantly can't find them in the morning. I curl up next to him sighing slightly as he wraps an arm around me and puts his head on top of mine. I smile as I fall asleep happy with how everything turned out...

The end. Hope you enjoyed this story. It's run it's course and is now finished...

JK, there is more XD this story will go on for a while hehe.

I wake up after Miyuki shakes me slightly, I hear his alarm going off next to the bed as he reaches down and grabs his phone along with his glasses. He turns off the alarm as he puts on his glasses, he rarely doesn't wear an eye mask... he must have been too tired to even look for it in his backpack. I sit up stretching as Miyuki slips off the bed and then looks at me, "I should go get ready for school. Remember to where you're school jacket or sweatshirt," he smiles as I wave and he leaves the room carrying his backpack and shoes.

Time for sweet revenge, I smirk as I stand up from my bed. I lean close to Kuramochi who is sleeping on the outside as Kominato is curled up facing the wall. "Wake up! You irritating cheetah!" I scream in his ear as he jumps in his bed waking up Kominato. "What the hell Sawamura!?" He says trying to punch me but I duck and laugh at his reaction. "That's what you get for waking me and Miyuki up like a foghorn every morning and on the bus," I smirk as I grab my toothbrush from the pocket on the side of my backpack and leaving the room. I walk to the bathroom where the majority of the team will be brushing their teeth right now.

I walk in seeing the majority of the first string there brushing their teeth or in the toilet stalls. I walk to the furthest sink where Haruichi and Furaya are brushing their teeth, Haruichi waves slightly as I smile and put some toothpaste on my toothbrush before brushing my teeth thoroughly. I swish the toothpaste in my mouth before spitting it out and then brushing my tongue, doing the same thing before rinsing my toothbrush.

I put it in one of the cups with a few other toothbrushes in it. No one is waiting for the toilet and two stalls are open so I go in locking the stall door and doing my business, I walk out of the stall and wash my hands. I grab my toothbrush as I start to walk out the bathroom, I walk back to my dorm room putting my toothbrush away and putting on my school uniform with the school jacket in my arms for when I actually go to class. I begin walking to the canteen as Miyuki walks next to me, "so a transfer is apparently arriving today or tomorrow. They have a baseball scholarship as well," I look at him a little confused as we walk into the canteen where the second and third string players are already eating, a few first string members are eating at their tables.

"Isn't it too late and early for a transfer? It's still fall... will they be here for breakfast?" I'm really confused and I keep asking questions as the chefs put two trays out at the same time. They only do that with people like Kuramochi and Komin... they do that for couples! Wow, took me a while to figure that out.

Miyuki laughs at me as we sit in our seats as I put my school jacket on the back of my chair, "it is too early and late but they must be a special case... I have no idea if they will be here for breakfast. We'll just have to wait and see," I nod as I start to eat everything on the tray quickly. Miyuki is eating only his rice as he raises an eyebrow at me, "regained your appetite? You didn't eat that much at dinner," I swallow my food looking at him in disgust.

I stick my tongue out in a way of mocking being sick, "how could you of eaten two helpings of what the coach made? It had natto in it. Who puts natto in a whole meal?! It was sickening..." he laughs at me poking my nose. I glare at him, "what is your obsession with poking my nose. It's strange!" He laughs again before going back to eating a bit quicker and with a slight smile.

A tray is slammed in front of me, I know it must be Kuramochi and Kominato. "Tell your boyfriend to avoid screaming in my ear to wake me up!" Kuramochi screams at Miyuki who closes his eyes before looking at me and patting me on the shoulder, "good job. He deserved that for waking us up the way he did every morning," Kominato is silently eating his breakfast with a smirk.

I continue eating the last bit of my rice before standing up to get my second bowl. Almost all the first string enters the canteen as I pile rice into my bowl, I walk past Furaya and Haruichi as they sit down. I smile at them before I walk back to my seat and beginning to eat my rice quickly. I hope I didn't start a war with Kuramochi... he could do anything if he sees what I did as unfair. Hopefully, Kominato will stop him though, seems today will be fun...

Hope you enjoyed this part. Which point of view do you prefer? Hope you have a good day/night (:

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