Little bonus

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So this will just be wacky so have fun with it!

Sawamura Pov

I'm walking down the street whistling to myself while looking for this bookshop, I was told by some in my class about them selling manga and I've run out of mangas to read, so I decided to look for it.

I'm walking along the streets happily minding my own business when an arm wraps around my waist, "now... where do you think you were going without me?" Miyuki says smirking as I glare at him. "Am I not allowed to try and find a bookshop by myself?" I ask as Miyuki looks at me in the eyes as we walk, "now why would I leave you alone? What if some girl decides to flirt with you? I can't have that happening while I'm not with you," I just look forward, ignoring Miyuki. We walk down a few streets as I spot the bookshop.

I walk us over to it opening the door and pulling Miyuki's arm off my waist. I walk in looking for what I came here for. Ah! Found them! I walk over to the manga section searching looking at the books before pulling one off the shelf to look at. Miyuki looks over my shoulder, "didn't expect you to like sports manga. Especially since there aren't many baseball ones," I hit him on the head with the manga as I read the blurb in silence now.

I take the book to the till before paying for it and leaving. Miyuki is surprisingly not right behind me, I walk a little before I feel someone flick my right ear. "Naughty boy, hitting me with a book and then leaving me there," I laugh slightly as I continue walking ignoring him.

"Come on Sawamura... what's wrong with you?" I look over at him raising an eyebrow, "nothing's wrong. I just don't want an overprotective boyfriend walking everywhere with me," Miyuki snickers at that answer, "you know that means something is wrong. Sometimes I wonder if you have a brain in there," he points to my head as I swat it away.

"Leave me be for five minutes?" I ask looking at him sideways as he smirks leaning towards my face, "no," he says as I groan. There goes my idea of a peaceful day off...

Hope you liked it. Not long and not part of the plot in the story. Hope you had a good/night (:

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