Strawhat the king

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(A/n I reference other things like memes,themes and stories so just know I do not own some things and do reference because I like the idea or thing behind the reference!)

"There will come a soldier who carries a mighty sword!He will tear your city down O lei O lai O lord" I chant as Zoro holds his blades up into the light as the rest of the strawhat kids watch as the music continues on. "There will come a poet who's weapon is their words,they will slay you with their tongue O lei O lai O lord" Nami chants out next as Robin and Usopp take the spotlight following Zoro.The final phrase comes in as Chopper and Brooke chant with me "There will come a ruler whose brow is laid in thorn,smeared with oil like david's boy O lei O lai O lord!" as Luffy takes center stage spinning with a sunny smile.

"We have our future ruler,his swordsman his architecht,his sniper,his doctor,his navigator,his musician and shipwright too!" I cheer as Franky strikes a pose as Chopper holds up his hoof being a hybrid is common to see in Grand Line city now these days ever since Roger brought in the new era all sorts of creatures and people of multiple races have slowly revealed themselves to human society. Brook a skeleton of a teen given a second chance at life became a part of this sunny crew their ships the going merry and thousand sunny each a bright name befitting of the blinding brilliance that is the Strawhat crew.

Nami takes the lead as the kids are in a play room in the daycare,jumping up onto a box Nami points north saying "Set are course starboard to the north and raise the anchor and set sail!" the kids scramble around as a custom made flag by Usopp and Luffy is set in the middle of the room as they scramble around pretending to be real pirates.Brook takes out his violing playing a round of binks sake as I move with Robin as we tug on imaginary ropes to unfurl the sails.

"To the new world!" Luffy cheers as Chopper moves to climb onto Luffy's shoulders cheering out "To the unknown!" Zoro shakes his head but nevertheless moves with Sanji scouting from a set of cushions near the flag like a crows nest.Usopp creates stories to tell the crew of his thousands of followers and his mighty strength! Chuckling while listening to the stories Luffy suddenly moves over to my side setting a red pirate hat with two white feathers in the rim on my head saying "Care to join us?" I nod stretching a hand out saying "I'd love to captain!" he beams laughing as we move to the imaginary bow looking around the room.

Suddenly we spot someone enter the room "Prepare to fire!" Nami calls out as Usopp using a slingshot grabs some glitter bombs shooting them at the door as I giggle as it explodes on contact as the glitter clears away revealing a very annoyed Shanks who suddenly grins "Aw you have hit me i'm dying" Shanks makes exaggerated motions as he falls down as Usopp cheers saying "I did it I mean of course I hit him I don't miss i'm Sniper King!" the others cheer while Luffy runs over asking "Shanks are you okay?" his eyes hold worry for his hero as Shanks sits up patting the boys strawhat saying "I'm just fine Luffy just covered in glitter" to prove his point he shakes his head as powdery pink,blue and red glitter falls out of his red locks onto the floor.

Shanks decided to play along with us but this time with a real ship we scurry out of the daycare down the street to the docks where the Red Force shanks actual ship is stationed. "Woah that looks so cool the bow is a dragon!" Usopp cries out as indeed the red dragon head stares us down as from on deck Yasopp,Benn and Lucky Roo wave down as Shanks says "Got room for some new recruits?" the three chuckle as Benn says "I don't know captain what do you say?" I giggle at their silly antics as Shanks rubs his chin mock thinking as Luffy cries out "PLEASE SHANKS!" as he sighs shrugging saying "I don't know about it their kinda young" Brook and Franky share a conspirational smirk before shoving Shanks off the dock into the water he splutters as Luffy cheers "TAKE THE SHIP!" the kids laugh as they run aboard.

Benn fakes attacking as they take him,Yasopp and Lucky Roo hostage as I sit on the deck tying Shanks up in ropes tightly as he says "Wait you caren't actually serious are you?" I give a sneaky smile before stepping back as Nami steps forward. "If you wish to be free and get your ship back you owe us 10 Million Beri!" Nami states a conniving sly look on her face as the others crack their knuckles and smirk as Shanks shivers seeing a bunch of kids outsmarting the adults in the situation.

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