Adopting Fortune

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"____ wake up!" the voice of Drake rings in my ear as I rub my eyes tired turning to the said 8 year old dinosaur who looks at me with a pointed glare. "I tried 10 times to wake you up!" Drake scolds me as I rub my neck sheepishly as I sit up as a T-shirt is thrown into my face as Drake says "Get dressed Hawkins is waiting for us downstairs!" groaning in apprehension I get dressed in the black shirt and grey shorts deciding to wear some black flip flops today.

Exiting my room Drake tosses something at my face I barely manage to catch said object as Drake calls out "Don't forget to brush your teeth and comb your hair ____!" I shake my head entering my bathroom doing as Drake said wondering how come he's acting more mature for once normally Drake would let me do as I please.

After combing out the knots in my (h/c) hair looking into the mirror my (E/c) orbs show a tiredness beyond comprehension as I deadpan at how exhausted I look. Splashing water on my face I grab the hand towel wiping the water from my face giving me a somewhat more alert look to my face.

"____ hurry up!" Drake calls as I mumble incoherent words walking down the stairs spotting Drake at the door with Hawkins leaning against the wall cards floating mid air. "Finally Hawkins guardian disowned him because he got caught using his powers and his parents thought he was in a cult" Drake tells me as my foggy minds try to comprehend his sentence basically the only thing I heard was Disowned,power and cult.

"It's none of your concern I can stay with my crew" Hawkins states flatly as I feel dizzy stumbling a bit Drake and Hawkins move concerned as I regain my balance standing straight my hair covering my eyes as I say in a low tone "Hawkins I'm going to say this once, there is no way like hell I'm letting you go with out a guardian let alone stay with your crew, Drake go to my office grab Hawkins file I'm adopting Hawkins" both boys look shocked as I give a pointed glare saying "Hawkins I trust your crew and friends but I'm not letting you impose on someone else when I can easily take care of you" Hawkins silently watches as Drake runs to retrieve Hawkins file.

"My chances of changing your mind is 0%" Hawkins states looking a his cards before looking into my eyes serious determination painted clearly on my face. "____ I got the papers here" Drake calls handing me Hawkins file as I cross out his previous guardians name as I grab the phone dialing Crocodile. "Yes what is it?" the voice of the sandman drones dully as I grin saying "Hey sandman I'm adopting another one can you do the paperwork?" I hear a low hum on the other end.

"Sure Winter what's the kids name?" Crocodile asks as I reply "Basil Hawkins" as I hear Crocodile coughing before what seems to be laughter rings out as he says "Intresting choice but I'll do it congratulations on your second kid" I roll my eyes hanging up on the sandman turning to Hawkins saying "Starting today I'm your guardian!" Hawkins looks at me with his normal blank face but the way the edge of his mouth is turned I know he's happy.

Drake hugs Hawkins saying "does this make us brothers?" the straw boy looks at Drake shrugging saying "I don't really care" turning to me Drake says "Where will he stay?" I smile turning on my heel walking upstairs with the boys following as I open the door to the left of my room.

"You can use this one it's actually connected to Drake's room" I tell Hawkins who looks at the room a simple black and white bed with a dark grey wall and a small desk on the side with a black and silver printed rug that looks like a leopard print. "It's nice" Hawkins comments looking around before moving to the desktop setting his cards down as I think what would he need added.

"Drake stay here with Hawkins for a bit kay?" I ask as the orange haired boy nods as I rush out of the room jumping over the railing landing softly moving through the halls of the daycare before arriving at the linen closet where a bunch of different materials are stored grabbing some needles, string and straw since Hawkins ate the straw-straw fruit before grabbing some medium sized nails.

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