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"Alright is everyone here accounted for?" I question the boys as Drake nods his head before saying "Kid,Law, Marco,Ace,Thatch and I are all here" the two older males are currently trying to keep Ace from setting himself on fire while Kid and Law snicker on the sidelines.

"____ are you sure you don't want me to take them?" Mihawk and Shanks offer though I know they have their hands full already with their group of kids. "I'm sure I'll be fine don't worry about it" I chide the two males as Mihawk still looks skeptical when Kid and Law break out into a fight causing Ace to be dragged in with Marco and Thatch trying to keep the boys apart.

"Well boys I think it's time to head home the training is done" I say moving to gently grab Kid by the collar effectively stopping the fighting between the three boys. "Sorry ____-yoi they're a bit difficult were only used to dealing with Ace-yoi" Marco explains as Thatch nods looking annoyed and tired at the same time.

"Alright in the car all of you!" I call ushering the boys in as I make sure Kid and Law are buckled in the back before helping Ace who tangled his belt with Drakes. "Thanks ____" Ace mumbles embarrassed as I smile softly saying "Don't worry Ace it's fine" he nods as I ruffle Drakes hair before moving to sit in the passenger seat while Marco takes the wheel as Thatch sits calmly behind us already starting to doze off.

"Alright we're heading back it should be a couple hours so feel free to nap" Marco tells the boys looking in the mirror before pulling out of the mountain pass down the road being the last to leave the others will be ahead we all agreed to meet for food before heading back home. Looking out the window I spot clouds overhead as small drops of water hit the windshield as the light rain shower pours from overhead.

"One day everything will vanish, but for today let's enjoy the small things just this once" I hum as looking over the back of my seat Kid leans against the window asleep with Law not far behind. Drake is resting with his eyes closed some headphones in as Ace is snoring leaning forward in his seat as Thatch quietly sets a pillow down so Ace doesn't strain his body as the boy cuddles the pillow unconsciously.

"So cute isn't he" Marco comments eyes not leaving the room as I chuckle saying "Even if you can't see him you know what he's doing are you telepathic?" the blonde pineapple haired male shakes his head saying "Nah just used to the boys antics" giggling at Marco's way of saying he loves Ace I turn the fans in the car off as the car becomes warmer as I rub my eyes drowsily.

Marco places one hand on the wheel patting my head saying "It was tiring to train so many people right? I know it isn't easy but the kids are so happy and proud to be stronger ____" I nod yawning before leaning my head against Marco's shoulder watching the windshield wipers go back and forth almost hypnotically.

"You know Ace had nearly given up on learning to control his powers after he accidentally burned Pops" Marco starts as my eyes slightly widen hearing Ace had trouble. "Even though he left a pretty bad burn Pops laughed it off saying 'you got power kid' I still remember how Ace cried yelling 'I hurt you how can you laugh it off!' that day Ace never wanted to use his powers again" my eyes are down cast knowing that feeling when you hurt someone you care about you feel overwhelming guilt and pain.

"Later though during training this week Ace came to me and said 'Marco help me learn to control my powers!' when I asked him why he merely said '____ trained to control her power I can do the same!' I had laughed at him saying how you didn't learn to control your powers even now it's still unpredictable" Marco tells me as I wince at the reminder of my mediocre control over my full potential.

"However Ace refused to give up asking me to teach him I was tempted to say no when he said this I think it's important for you to here 'sometimes the blood rushes to my head and I feel if I take one more step I'll forget something important!' this was how Ace felt fighting and using his powers" Marco looks fondly in the mirror at the sleeping black haired boy.

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