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(Smut, racism, mental and physical abuse, and sexual abuse warning ⚠️)

Sean walked into the massive school looking down at his schedule. "Still have an hour to go, might as well find the cafe," he said to himself looking around seeing small board pointing into certain directions. When he found the word cafe he walked in for he right wall way. At the end of the hall were big glass doors that opened up to a big cafe, it wasn't a cafeteria it was a cafe, it was a little odd of Sean but he didn't matter, all he had in mind was getting some damn caffeine into his system so he could finally wake up. He walked to the line seeing people around him chat and laugh.

He felt out of place, sure he got used to the fact his dad started making serious cash a few years ago so they were rich now, but this school was big, hell it even had a fucking café in it. When it was Sean turn he quickly looked up at the menu. "You know what, I'll have a large caramel latte macchiato," he said to the barista. She nodded giving him a number. "That will be $5,75," she said. Sean grabbed his Visa card and paid for the drink before the barista showed him where he could wait.

After Sean got his drink he looked at his schedule. "Pretty easy," he mumbled

1st period


Second period

English literature (yes I am using big words now)

Third period


Then lunch

After that he could apply for any clubs or sports teams and then it was just history and art.

Sean walked to his first class being early he introduced himself to the teacher quickly threw his cup away and sat all the way in the back of the class. He grabbed his books and just sat there as a lot of students started pouring into the classroom. Quickly the pretty much quiet classroom was filled with chatter and laughter. As Sean just sat there silently he noticed two eyes on him. He looked up seeing two light blue eyes staring at him. He didn't wanna come over as weak or vulnerable so he sat up confident looking at the boy who sat beside him. "A picture will last longer," Sean immediately regretted saying that.

Really Sean that's the best you can think off

He thought to himself as the boy chuckled. Sean saw the dreads and the tattoos as he quickly looked away not wanting to start staring. The boy chuckled again looking back at Sean. "You feel out of place too," Finn asked leaning over to Sean. "A little yeah, this school is just so fucking big," Sean said looking into the boys eyes again. "This is only building A," Finn said laughing seeing Sean's eyes widen. "There are TWO buildings?!" Sean said looking a bit scared. "Don't worry, I'll help ya," Finn snatched a piece of paper from Sean's desk as he wrote his number down. "Give me a call when you need help sweetheart," he said winking at Sean. Sean didn't really know what to say as he liked the nickname. He looked down at the piece of paper,

Only a call away sweetie, give me a call sometimes maybe we can hang.
The names Finn.

Sean read the note and Finn's phone number while Finn was already focusing on the class Sean decided to do the same occasionally looking at Finn seeing him with a cheeky grin on his face.

Sean walked out of the classroom looking around the building for the right classroom. He kind of missed Finn, he was so carefree and chill, while Sean was stressing so much.

After a long day of school Sean made it to the parking lot stepping into his matte black Jeep on his assigned parking spot. He stepped into his Jeep putting his bag down next to him in the passenger seat. He started his Jeep and drove home.

When Sean got home it was already a bit late, he decided to hang with Lyla for a bit so when he got home Daniel jumped at him. Sean smiled at his little brother who had a headset covering his ears and a controller in his hands. "Where's dad," Sean asked taking the headset of one of Daniels ears. "Working late...," he said a bit disappointed but immediately looked back at his game he was playing with Noah. Sean was happy they finally had been able to make some real good cash but, he lost his family to it, his dad was always working and Daniel was pretty much home alone all the time because Sean had school or was hanging with his friends. Sean walked to his dads home office knocking on the big glass door. "Hey dad," he said seeing his father on the phone. He got a quick hello before his dad was focused on his phone again. Sean walked to his room closing the door behind him he let out a deep sigh. Sure he was happy that they finally had some good money but his family was breaking part.

Sean got up quickly realizing he was late for school. He quickly slipped on his patches pants and his hoodie running down stairs. "Ready to go Daniel," Sean asked knocking on his door. "Yeah, yeah," Daniel said opening his door. Sean opened the fridge grabbing Daniels lunch and his wallet from the kitchen counter as he closed the fridge.

"Okay, Noah's mom said she'd pick you up and dad will pick you up tonight after diner," Sean said stepping into the car placing his own bag on the backseat as Daniel got into the car as well. "When are we gonna have a lord of the rings marathon again," Daniel asked a bit sad. "I don't know Daniel," Sean said driving to Daniels school.

After he dropped off Daniel he realized he'd missed first period. "Shit," Sean cursed driving to his school as fast as he could without getting a ticked.

Sean rushed into the school seeing the halls quickly fill with students again. Sean made his way to cafeteria since he had a free period on Tuesday. "Hey, missed you first period," Sean heard a strange yet familiar voice say. He turned around seeing Finn stand next to some people. "Yeah sorry, can I get you guys anything," Sean asked as he was still out of breath. "First of all you don't have to apologize second of all, we are fine and third of all, take a moment to catch your breath before you faint, not that I mind catching you," Finn said winking at Sean. "Yeah sorry, I mean yeah, had a busy morning,"Sean explained walking over to the register ordering his food. "You wanna sit with us," Finn asked. "Why not." Sean accepted Finn's offer and follows them to a free table.

Sean had a pretty easy day for the rest just enjoy his company of Finn or his friends. When Sean was done the night went pretty much the same as always.


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