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After a while Cassidy walked out fo the room followed by Finn while everybody said good morning Sean was tense, and Finn didn't blame him, he went to far, he was drunk out of his might he was incredibly fucking high.

"Sean...," Finn sat down next to Sean on the bed after Sean was done taking shower. "Uh...hey," Sean said a bit uncomfortable. "Sean I am so so so so fucking sorry, I... I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you and I'd never would want force you or...," Finn was rambling on with tears steaming down his face. Sean wrapped his arms around Finn's neck. "I forgive you, you try to manage your alcohol and well be patient with me," Sean whispered in his ear. "I'm sorry," was all Finn could mumbled trying not to sob. "It's okay." Sean pulled away whipping the tears from Finn's cheeks. He pulled Finn up and wrapped his arms around Finn's waist. "Can I get a kiss," Sean asked with a soft smile. Finn had his cheeky grin on his face again while his nose was slightly red from crying same as his eyes, he grasped Sean jaw softly kissing him making sure Sean was comfortable. Sean pulled Finn closer letting his hands slip from his waist to Finn's back holding him tightly against him leaning into the kiss with Finn's hands still on his jaw. Finn slowly moved his hands from Sean's jaw to the back of Sean's head feeling Sean still slightly wet hair in between his fingers. Finn wrapped his arms now completely around Sean's neck pulling him even closer. Finn jumped up feeling Sean's hand around his thighs keeping him up. Sean felt Finn's legs lock around his hips as he slowly walked over to the bed.

"You sure," Finn asked holding Sean cheeks. "No...," Sean said a bit unsure. "Let's just keep doing this," Finn said kissing Sean again knowing if he'd take dominance right now he might scare Sean again, not wanting to hurt Sean anymore he just let it go, and for some reason with Sean he didn't mind being more vulnerable, he didn't mind that he wasn't in control for once.

"I see you two have made up," Cassidy was standing in the doorframe. Sean was on top of Finn, his hair a complete mess, while Finn's legs were locked around Sean's waist his hands tangled in Sean hair softly tugging it occasionally getting a moan from Sean while he was kissing down Finn's neck. Sean and Finn looked at Cassidy, lips red and a bit swollen from making out. "You gotta tell us where to go next, so come on," Cassidy walked back to the front of the RV joining the rest while Sean and Finn both got up again.

"I'll see you guys later," Sean, Finn and Rachel were the last three in the RV and ready to bring it back to the rental place they picked it up from 2 weeks ago.

They dropped off Rachel before Sean drove back in his Jeep to Finn's house. "You sure you're gonna be okay," Sean asked looking at Finn. "I'll be fine, I'll have to face my dad sometime." Finn closed the door while Sean just looked at Finn walking inside. After he closed the door Sean drove away.

Finn quickly rushed to his room after closing the door behind him not seeing his father in the way there. He quickly closed his door and started to unpack "hey you finally back we need you in the garage," Aiden was standing in the doorway. "Uh...y...yeah, just a mi...minute," Finn said stuttering as much as he wanted to forget what he did, even tho he apologize and Sean forgave him, how much he could have hurt Sean he couldn't shake it. "Okay, talk," Aiden said sitting down on Finn's bed, Aiden never was the talker in the family yet he always knew what to say at the right moments and he always was there for Finn. "I...uh, I feel like I am turning into dad," Finn said sitting down next to his brother. "I... I almost raped m...my boyfriend." Finn said tears forming in his eyes. "Hey look at me you are not like dad, you are loving and caring, reckless, but so kind," Aiden grabbed Finn by the shoulder trying to shake some sense into him. "So you made a mistake, sure it was a big one, and it maybe scared Sean so you have to take it slower then ever, but are you still together," Aiden asked letting his hands slip from Finn's shoulders. "Y-yeah we are," Finn said with a soft smile happy this didn't break whatever they had. "Then smile, be happy, if you really care about him as much as you seem to, you'll find the patience to wait for Sean, you love him right, and he excepts you for you, then you should do the same, and I know you do, I know you except Sean, but you gotta except the parts that might be hard for you, like that you're gonna need to keep your dick in your pants around him," Aiden said trying to lighten the mood a bit. Finn let out a very small chuckle giving Aiden a small nudge with his shoulder. "Fuck you," he mumbled slightly look up at his brother. "I love you too, now, garage," Aiden said pulling Finn with him after a short hug, Aiden was definitely the softest most loving enriched out of all of them apart from Finn, he wasn't scared to show emotions, and he wouldn't become a dick when Finn would cry, he wouldn't tell him to become a man and stop acting like a pussy, like his father did, sure his brothers also were there for him when shit went down with their dad and they wouldn't judge him when he cried but Aiden was just a little different.

After the yelling form his father finally stopped Finn calmed down as well, he wasn't scared his father would barge in and hit or kick him. He jumped on his bed wearing a shirt and a pair of boxers, he quickly grabbed his phone and texted Sean.

Sean <3

So sorry again <3

I'm good finn, I promise all
is forgiven

Good cause I miss you

Already wow that's fast

Can't I just come over? If the
invite is still pending?

It is it definitely is!
As long as you can handle
my dad questions...

Sean was obviously joking but Finn wasn't ready to meet Sean dad yet, sure there had been the quick hello's and how's it going but he wouldn't be able to handle Sean's father grilling him with questions at 11 pm. He quickly texted Sean saying he'll talk later before he closed his phone and fell asleep.

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