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It's been a couple of days as Finn and Sean started talking a bit more sometimes texting or just hanging out in school. "Hey," Sean looked up from his phone as he was texting his best friend from his Jeep. He looked up seeing Finn next to a girl with purple dreads who was covered in tats and a slightly more tainted girl with short black hair and some small tats on her face. The same two girls he had seem Finn with during lunch a couple of days ago, Sean didn't really talk to them a lot he was pretty laid back so making small talk wasn't his strongest suit. "I know we don't really know each other that well but, uh, mind giving me and my friends a ride," Finn asked a bit unsure. "Step in," Sean said throwing his bag on the backseat. Finn opened the door from the Jeep stepping in next to Sean as the two girls stepped in the back. They greeted Sean and introduced themselves.

"You got your schedule somewhere," Finn asked. Sean pointed at the glove department in front of Finn while trying to keep his eyes on the road. "Right here," the girl named Hannah said pointing at the right. Finn opened the glove department seeing not only his schedule but also some pot a lighter and two packs of cigarettes. Finn let out a chuckle grabbing the pot. "Bad boy I see," Finn teased. "I...uh, I, m...uh," "I'm teasing," Finn said seeing Sean so unsure and unknowing what to say. Finn looked at Sean schedule looking at what he had on which days. "Cool, you got music with Cass, and-," "left," Hannah said cutting Finn off as Sean turned left. "A lot of classes with me," Finn said with a smirk. "Okay master player, calm down and let him focus on the road so he doesn't kill us," Cassidy said seeing Finn's hand almost touch Sean's hand. Sean let out a chuckle at Cassidy's words. Finn gave Cass a sharp look making Hannah and Cass laugh. "Okay this is my place," Hannah said, Sean brought the car to a stop as Hannah thanked Sean for the ride. "Finn, you wanna...," Hannah didn't finish her sentence as she just smirked. "I'll uh, I'm good, I don't think I'll be coming over anytime soon," Finn said looking for Hannah to Sean. Hannah just nodded as she was totally fine with it. She thanked Sean again and stepped out of the car. Sean looked at Hannah walk into the shady apartment complex. Sean looked at Finn as he just nodded. They started driving again,they dropped Cassidy off, she quickly thanked Sean and looked at Finn. "Don't forget about the party tomorrow," she said before saying her goodbyes and stepping out the car.

The drive to Finn's house was quiet, but nice, a little awkward but nice. "Thanks for the drive, I know you don't really know me that well, and well I wouldn't trust anyone, so thanks," Finn said smiling at Sean. Sean felt his stomach turn. Did he like Finn, he, he's just as friend, ish, he was more like a stranger but still. "Yeah no problem, it's my pleasure," Sean pulled up to his neighborhood, he had moved a while back to a bigger house, it was nice and there were still some smaller houses in his neighborhood. Finn pointed at one of smaller houses, it looked a bit, old and broken. "Has expected something bigger," Finn asked thinking that seeing Finn's house, his life style would make Sean turn away from him. "No," Sean said quickly. "I mean yes, but..." "long story short, our school was destroyed and me along with Hannah, Cass and some other friends, got a scholarship for this massive school I am going to now," Finn explained. Sean nodded listen to Finn not caring he got cut off.

"I was gonna ask you to come in, but, my brothers will probably never let you go, as for my dad, he uh...well it doesn't matter," Sean was a bit concerned but decided to let it go. "You wanna go to my place, it's just a few houses that way," he said pointing in front of him. "I'll have to decline but, I'll remember the offer," Finn said opening the door from the Jeep. He stepped out taking his bag with him. "Message me when you get home sweetheart, maybe I'll take you to the party tomorrow to meet the rest," Finn close the door as Sean opened the window waiting until Finn was inside his house. Sean was just smiling on his way home seeing his best friend in front of his house waiting for him. Sean parked the car stepping out still with a smile on his face. He grabbed his bag and walked over to Lyla.

"How can I be mad as you when you have that face, who is it, is it Chloe of Max (yes from the first game and yes they will be mentioned sometime in the story) or some other girl," Lyla immediately started questioning Sean. "Wow calm down, it's uh... no one, just some guy I met during a class, his and his friends needed a ride so I gave them a ride. "On your dick...," Lyla asked smirking "you are not gonna say you had a th...-," "Lyla if you wanna see the light of day again, you're gonna have to stop that sentence, plus I'm not gay," "so it could have been with a girl and a guy, doesn't ha...," "Lyla," Sean said stern tone and look with his eyes wide as he walked over to his large front door.

"So you got a picture of him," Lyla asked as Sean fell down on his queen sized bed. "Yes, Lyla I have cause my dashboard cam was pointing at him," Sean said in a sarcastic tone looking up at Lyla. She just rolled her eyes sitting down behind his desk. (His room is pretty much the same but bigger.) "come on, you haven't smiled this long, since well, since you asked that one girl out," Lyla said taking off her shoes. "Lyla, it's nothing just some guy who I have classes with," Sean said grabbing his phone. "Fine, at least tell me what he looks like," Lyla asked grabbing her school books. "Fine, he has brown dreadlocks on the top of his head as the back his shaved a bit, he has three triangle tattoos under his eye and a line down his chin and some other tattoos, he has two beautiful ocean blue eyes, and he has some tats on his hands and I'm pretty sure he has something written on his chest," Sean explained to Lyla as she just smirked. "You so like him," she said giggling. "No I do not," Sean said sitting up straight. "I'm not even...gay, shit, I promised Finn I'd text him," Sean said grabbing his phone again. "Finn, wait you're mean Finn Mcnamara," Lyla asked sitting up straight. "I...I don't know his last name but sure, yeah," Sean said texting Finn. "Dude, I'm not the one two tell you what to do, but you might wanna stay away from him, he's been to juvie and his brothers went to prison same as his father, I'm pretty sure I also heard his father is abusing him," Lyla said looking over at Sean as he just send a message to Finn. "Wait, he is getting abused," Sean asked confused and mad. It would make sense since he saw some bruises on Finn's arm earlier. "I mean it's onto a rumor but still, I think he's bad news Sean," (don't worry Lyla is not the bad guy of the story, I am just making her a bit more well, grounded) Sean nodded as he also grabbed his shit for school. "So how's Eric and the gang," Sean asked putting his phone down. "It's okay, everybody misses you tho, Lena can't stop talking about how much she misses you," Lyla said kind of skeptical about the whole Finn thing. "Yeah, well I guess, things change, feelings change," Sean mumbled looking down.

Sean said goodbye to Lyla before walking into the dining room sitting down next to his little brother. Like always his dad had to work so it was just the two of them. While Daniel and Sean were eating Sean got a message from Finn.


Hey, too late to tell
that I'm still alive...

Hey hot shot,
took you long enough,
Was about gather people for a search party,
was it that far home?

And you find me?,
forgot I friend was gonna come over
what's up.

Nothing much just chilling,
Hey, you in for a party tomorrow?

I'm gonna have to make sure,
That I don't have to babysit
My little brother but otherwise I'm in.

Cool, I'll pick you up around 7.

Sure I'll be waiting

As Sean send out the last text he immediately regretted his choice of words, really that was all he could come up with. He thought to himself as he finished his food quickly putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher before going upstairs to take a shower.

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