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"Aren't you gonna ask me to leave, or why I am here," Sean asked a bit scared.

"Isn't the sky beautiful, dawn is my favorite time of day," Finn said completely ignoring his question.

"It's beautiful yeah," Sean said just looking at Finn smiling. "I know I'm cute and hot but staring at me ain't gonna get you anywhere," Finn said not even looking down at Sean still with his head back looking at the sky. "Oh...I...I'm sorry," Sean said looking away. Finn chuckled finally facing Sean grabbing his chin between his thumb and index finger. "I'm just messing with you Sean," his voice sounded soothing Sean felt safe. "I shouldn't  be here, we just met and I...," Sean started to ramble as Finn just laughed. "...I just, can't stop thinking about you, but you have a girlfriend, and I'm not even gay, I'm just confused and...," "a girlfriend... who told you that lie," Finn asked confused. "Well, no one, just that Hannah girl made it seem that you...," "Sean, fuck buddies, nothing more, but why would you care about that," Finn asked. "No..., I, I don't care," Sean said stumbling over his words. "Well you obviously do otherwise you wouldn't be so work up about it," Finn looked at Sean with his warm smile to try and comfort Sean. "It's not... really, and even if it was we've just met a couple of weeks it would be...," "wrong, disgusting, dirty, bad, weird," Finn said as he had this talk so many times before. "No... it's just, we've just met so I don't wanna do anything, until like, I really know you," Sean said looking down at his hands. "Even more reasons to come to the party tomorrow," Finn said happily as he quickly turned about into the free spirited, enthusiastic guy he always was. "I'm sorry, for coming here, I just felt the walls closing in on me and...," "I get it Sean, don't worry about it... just-," Finn was about to lean in when his front door swung open.

"Hey you little shit," a old man stepped outside pointing at Finn. Both the boy jumped up as Finn held his arm in front of Sean to protect him. "Hey...dad, what's up," Finn asked looking down at his feet for a second. "You hooking up with some whore again," his father asked clearly drunk out of his mind. "A guy... are you fucking for real you little shit," he said again as he saw Sean with a blanket around his shoulders. "You get your ass inside before I have to take you inside by myself," Finn's father said walking closer to them. Finn took a step back softly pushing Sean back as well. "I'll, I'll come inside dad just, let me say goodbye to my friend first," Finn said clearly scared of his father. "Goodbyes are for losers you better get your fucking ass inside right now," he father reached out for Finn's arm and grabbed him tightly making Finn yell in pain. "Let go," Finn said trying to push his father away. His father threw him on the floor as Finn tried to break his fall with his arms. Finn was on his hands and knees getting ready fo get up when he felt a foot against his stomach he started coughing and looked up at his father. His father punched him in the face and kicked him again in the stomach, finn started to cough but he didn't just cough, he was coughing up blood while wheezing and gasping for air. Sean was scared out of his mind as he didn't know what to do.

(Listen to cascadeur - meaning)

"Get the hell out of here, you slut," his father yelled at Sean as he punched Sean across the face just like he did with Finn. "DAD!," Finn yelled running over to Sean seeing if he was okay his shirt and mouth covered in blood as he had a hard time getting up while he held his stomach. But by the time he made it to Sean he was already walking away tears in his eyes while he held the side of his face. Finn just looked at Sean, tears running down his cheeks, he messed it up, he should have just told Sean to go when he saw him, nothing would have happened, he will never talk to me again Finn thought tears forming in his eyes. Finn thought his father would leave him alone but soon he felt his fathers hand around his throat, for some reason his father wasn't scared of someone to see them. His father tightened the grip on Finn's throat making his gasp for air trying to scream for Sean making Sean turn around when he saw Finn faint he was gonna run back but three guys who were clearly older then Finn and Sean ran out pushing the man away and freeing Finn from his grip. Finn dropped on the ground coughing for air. Sean hurried over there seeing two of the guys check Finn's pulse as the third guy was dealing with the older man. Sean rushed over to the two guys seeing if Finn was okay. Sean got on his knees not caring that he wasn't wearing a shirt or that the man he had his back to punched him, Finn was the only thing on his mind. "He's fine, but we gotta get him to the hospital," one of the two said looking at Sean. "I have a car I can drive, I'll be back soon," Sean ran off at these moments he was so happy that he was so good at running not that he ever had to hurry to drive someone to the hospital.

(Just a little heads up. This so not even the worst thing that gonna happen talking about the abuse here so be aware!)

Finn groaned as he slowly opened his eyes getting blinded by the light from the hospital room, he felt weak, and sick. He looked around the room seeing his two older brothers sitting across the room sleeping as a bucket was put next to his bed probably for if he needed to vomit. Finn looked at his brothers "Aiden," he managed to say walking up one of his brothers. His brother opened his eyes looking over to the hospital bed seeing Finn awake, he had a soft weak smile on his face as he stood up. "Hey... how you feeling," his brother asked standing up walking to his bed. "Sick. What happened," Finn asked sitting up feeling his head spinning. "Dad happened," he said rubbing Finn back. "But we told the nurses you were randomly attacked," he quickly said. Finn just nodded looking down at his hands. "What about Jordan, how's he," Finn asked looking at his brother seeing that Ethan also was waking up. "He's okay, at home dealing with dad," Ethan explained hugging his brother. "I'm sorry," Finn said sobbing. "Wait, what no, you didn't do anything," Ethan sand comforting Finn. "H...he hates me, I should have left a long time ago, I can't handle this anymore, it hurts," Finn mumbled into Ethans chest. "I know," Ethan said softly comforting his younger brother. "I know it hurts, but we're here," Aiden said hugging Finn as well.

"Hey there is some here for you, he said he was a classmate, help us get you to the hospital while Jordan took care of dad, he wouldn't leave until he knew you were wake and okay" Aiden said letting go of Finn's back. "Sean," Finn asked looking up at Aiden. "I think so," he said walking to the door with Ethan letting Sean in while the two brothers walked out. "Finn, h...how are you, stupid question I know," Sean said. His left cheek had a big bruise on it and somehow also a cut. "Are you okay," Finn said ignoring Sean question. "Don't do that," Sean said sitting on Finn's hospital bed. "I'm okay Sean really just a bit nauseous," Finn said looking up at Sean. "Thank god," Sean wrapped his arms around Finn's neck hugging him. "You, you're not, mad, and you didn't came to say goodbye," Finn said hugging Sean back. "Why would I, your dads the bad guy here, I'll always be here," Sean whispered hugging Finn tightly before hearing him groaning. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Sean said pulling away. "I'm okay," Finn said. "What about you," Finn asked. "Finn, why, why would your dad do that," Sean asked. "Because he hates me, I look like my mother, he hates that, or...he loves it...," he mumbled the last bit softly. Sean grabbed Finn's chin in between his thumb and index finger bringing his face closer to his. Sean slowly kissed Finn as he just went along with it. After a moment of just sitting there, their lips touching Sean pulled away from Finn. "Don't scare my like that, ever, and come to me, please," Sean said against Finn's lips there foreheads touching. "You're adorable," Finn said smiling. Sean just chuckled with a tear falling down his cheek.

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