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Selfless promo twitch.tv/Starkelpie almost got affiliate go and follow my twitch I am so close. btw what do you guys think of the story so far, let me know! Enjoy pups!

It had been a couple of weeks Finn and Sean had been hanging out more and more going to parties with Cassidy and Hannah. They were close but nothing more had happened since the kiss in the hospital. Finn was recovering slowly, his father had caused some internal damage but he managed to recover without needing surgery. Finn wasn't allowed to carry anything heavy or do to much. "At least no P.E," Finn had said happily. Sean was helping Finn as much as he could letting him stay over at his place if he wanted. Nothing had happened since what happened that night and both Finn and Sean were glad nothing happened. But the good times couldn't last forever.

Sean and Finn were sitting on school campus with Cassidy and Hannah along side Lyla and some other friend just chatting, Finn has his arm resting on Sean's shoulder as Sean sat against Finn a little laid back. Sean had his eyes closed as Finn sat against one of the few trees that were on campus. "Finally fucking vacation," Lyla yelled walking over to the group with some iced coffee and other stuff. "Tell me about it," Rachel said grabbing her order from Lyla. (Yes this is Rachel Amber from before the storm and I guess also from the first game) "guess someone didn't become the favorite student of the class," Finn joked looking at Rachel who stuck out her tongue at Finn. Finn softly tapped Sean's chest with his hand feeling Sean hand hold his against his chest. "Your drink is here," Finn said. Sean opened his eyes taking the drink from Lyla before she sat down. Sean just held it in his hand as he closed his eyes again. Finn let out a chuckle pulling Sean closer to press a kiss on his head. "Remind me why you two aren't together," Cassidy asked sitting up seeing Sean eyes open. "Who says we aren't," Finn said jokingly at Cass. Sean had gotten used to Finn's jokes and just chuckled. "Why aren't we," Finn asked a bit confused after a while not really sure why they weren't. "No idea, I think I'm waiting for you master player," Finn let out a chuckle seeing Sean eyes closed while he said that. "Well I guess we are together," Finn said with a smile seeing a smile appear of Sean face as well. Sean opened his eyes again as he laid his head down on Finn's lap instead of just leaning against him. Finn let out a chuckle while seeing everyone softly cheering.

"So how's your stomach," Cassidy asked after a little while of silence. "It's fine Cass, really just feel a little sick once every now and then," Finn said taking a sip of his coffee. "What are they gonna do about your dad," Cassidy asked carefully. "Nothing, things will go back to the way they were," "so you're just gonna let your father fu...," Cassidy stopped in the middle of her sentence seeing Finn with pleading eyes not to finish that sentence the way she was gonna. "Beat you up," Cassidy finished. "He won't, Jordan said he got some sense into my dad plus, I can stay over at Sean's...right," Finn asked for reassurance from Sean who nodded. "See I'm fine, or I can come to the camp," Finn said smiling. "Which by the way when's the next party I can use some weed and booze," Finn said looking at Cass and the rest of the group including Penny, Hannah, Lyla, Rachel, Chloe and Max. "I don't know, let's save the booze and all the good stuff to the end of the vacation, we'll have a killer party when you, can carry your own booze," Cassidy said pointing at Finn. The whole group just laughed.

They hung out the whole afternoon until they were escorted off the school's property everyone said there goodbyes as Sean stepped into his Jeep Finn walked over to him. "You mind having me over tonight," Finn asked resting his arms and chin on the window frame. Sean let out a chuckle and opened the door next to him. "Get in," Sean said with a big smile in his face waiting for Finn to get in. "You know everyone is gone we can...," Finn didn't finish his sentence as he grabbed Sean's chin with his thumb and index finger making Sean face him. "Have some fun," he finished his sentence leaning in for a kiss. "First of all, in a car?! second of all you horny motherfucker, we've been dating for couple hours now and you already want to, and third of all, I have something in mind, one of my favorite spots my dad and I used to hike to," Sean said pushing Finn away and starting the car.

And a slow but nice ride they made it to the edge of a forest. They both stepped out as Finn followed Sean to a beautiful small waterfall, it wasn't much and there was mostly just trees but it was beautiful. Finn looked with wide eyes at the small pool of water. "It's beautiful," Finn said smiling. "Yet, I'd much rather look at you," Finn said wrapping his around around Sean's neck pulling him closer. Sean laughed wrapping his arms around Finn's waist holding him tight feeling Finn's fingers running through his hair on the back of his neck softly. Sean liked that there wasn't a big height difference between him and Finn they could just look at each other without slightly having to look up or down. "Cheesy you sure now how to be," Sean said with a soft smile before leaning in and kissing Finn. It was sweet and gentle and slow, but quickly got a little more sloppy and rushed.

Sean softy moaned into the kiss feeling a tree a giant his back and Finn pressed against his body with Finn's hands trailing down to his ass. "How about we take a swim," Finn said when they both pulled away for some air. Sean agreed as they both quickly stripped themselves off all their clothes and jumped in together.

After a while of just swimming around Finn pulled Sean in for another kiss, Finn wrapped his arms around Sean's neck feeling Sean's arms around his waist pulling him in for a kiss, it slowly got more heated as Sean felt a stone wall against his back and Finn's body pressing against him again, Sean grabbed ahold of Finn's jaw softly moaning into the kiss for a second forgetting they were both in the water and naked. Finn grabbed Sean's ass again trailing his hands down even further to Sean thighs picking him up. Sean resisted and pulled away from the kiss. "Finn, you can't I'm to heavy, it will only cause more damage," Sean said with his hands still on Finn's jaw. "We are to our shoulder in water, you weigh nothing, if it gets to much for me or if I'm in pain, I'll stop," Finn said quickly picking Sean how when he was caught of guard. Before Sean could say anything Finn was already kissing him again. Sean quickly decided to let it slip and wrapped his legs around Finn's waist feeling Finn's cock against his ass. Sean let out a soft gasp while Finn pulled away from the kiss and started working his way down Sean neck. "You, want, to," Finn said in between kisses. "N...not... yet," Sean said as Finn just nodded and continued his way down Sean neck and back up to his lips. "When ever you're ready sweetheart," Finn mumbled before kissing Sean again.

After about 2 hours they decided to dry themselves as Sean had been so smart to bring some towels and go back home

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After about 2 hours they decided to dry themselves as Sean had been so smart to bring some towels and go back home. "You wanna stay over tonight," Sean asked Finn while focusing on the road. Sean looked over at Finn who seemed exhausted. "Are you sure, you're okay," Sean asked worrying he'd put to much pressure on Finn today. "I'm just tired that's all, and if your famil....," "Daniel is sleeping over at a friend and my dad is at work," Sean quickly said seeing Finn's face. "Then I'd love to stay," Finn didn't have anything against Esteban or Daniel but now that they were dating and after weeks of flirting Finn wasn't sure if he could pretend he wasn't horny or didn't think of fucking Sean. Sean let out a chuckle as they parked the Jeep and stepped out. Finn immediately walked over to Sean wrapping his arm around his waist smiling at Sean. Sean just smiled and walked to the front door unlocking it and walking in. "Wanna order food." Sean asked as the fridge was basically empty and he had no idea what to make or did he have the energy for it. Finn just nodded as he made his way upstairs followed by Sean.

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