I Dream About Magicians

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Rachel's POV:

I don't remember what happened really, all I know is one minute I was watching Annabeth and Leo arguing playfully and then I felt like someone was smashing my skull open and I had no control over my body. The next thing I woke up and just knew it was time to leave and then once I told them I collapsed again into dreams:

I was at this beautiful castle and there were children everywhere all in these black cloaks or robes, the youngest maybe 11 and the oldest maybe 18. There was ruble and devastation everywhere.

The children were rebuilding and and cleaning up, I noticed that they also had sticks and were waving them around. There was energy or something emitting from them. I couldn't figure out what they were for a good five minute it felt like.

Then I realized the stuff they would point at or hit with energy would do unnatural movements and actions, like levitate.

Then it hit me...they were magic wands. Like Sadie and Carter Kane's Egyptian Magicians wands. But it was different, these people they didn't seem to be in league with Egyptian gods, I didn't know how but being an Oracle and it being a confusing dream I just knew.

I started to walk and found five kids maybe 17 or 18 it looked like, a tall boy with sharp features and bleach blond messy hair and striking blue eyes, like Thalia's and Jason's. He was having what seemed like an intense staring contest with a shorter boy who had circular glasses, black crazy hair, bright green eyes, and a lighting shaped looking scar on his forehead. Behind the glasses boy was another taller boy with fiery red hair and a sweet looking face he had blue eyes that told a different story though. Trauma and pain. He was holding hands with a girl who had frizzy but also nice brown curly hair and chocolate brown eyes. On the other side of the glasses boy was another girl with the same fiery red hair as the other boy, she also had brown eyes and had her hand placed on the glasses boys shoulder. I walked closer to this group.

"Harry!! Do you think I would've lied about knowing who you were at the Manor if I didn't regret everything!! I was protecting my family, I have changed!! Take a chance on me!!" the boy with the blonde hair yelled.

"Draco, you have done so much to us, it is going to be hard to trust you, you can't expect us to just welcome you with open arms!!" The brown hair girl called, "You've called me so many foul names including 'Mudblood.'" the girl said distasteful, "I understand that you have done some good, but we need time. You bullied all of us for years."

"Yeah, Malfoy. The fact that Hermione even said your first name is lucky. We are very mad and it will take a while to forgive, and we'll never forget, but you understand why this is a challenge for us," the boy named Harry said.

"Harry, give him a little bit of a break. I'm not saying we have to trust him yet or even that we should but you know we all would've done the same for our family and he has shown us reasons to believe he has changed," the girl with red hair said.

"Ginny?! He has been nothing but awful to you and you are someone who hates him to his core, how are you defending him in anyway?" The red hair boy said.

Ginny looked at him and said, "Because my dearest brother Ronald, everyone deserves a second chance and everyone has felt like they are under a puppet string before, I speak from literal experience, Draco speaks from metaphorical. What if it was you or me, to protect all nine of our immediate family members...I think we'd both do anything. Not saying we'd be proud of it. But we would. And it has already been months and he hasn't done anything to any of us since the restart year began and has acted how he promised he would on the first day of school. I think we can all ease up a little."

Hermione have her a look, then smiled, she looked at her guy friends, "As much as it pains me to say this, Ginny is right about Draco...we can begin to ease up, maybe have a civil conversation in the Great Hall, or one of our dorms?"

Harry raised an eyebrow at Draco then nodded silently.

It was a school.

Then I woke up.

I was laying in a bed in a room that wasn't mine...well at least not mine that I knew of. I looked around, there canvases everywhere, completely filling up a closet, a drawer that was open (and probably others), I looked under my bed, more canvases, on the floor at the foot of my bed...more. Unlimited it felt like. Then I looked around and saw a printer looking thing that said "Canvas Printer" and there were shelves with acrylic paints, charcoal, watercolors, spray paints, and any other supplies I could ask for. There was a dart board, a desk, a mirror. another closet for my clothing and stuff like that...it was nice.

I then felt my body lurch a bit, wherever I was...the place was moving.

Then it hit me, we had set off on the boat. I ran to my closet and threw on a white paint stained t-shirt and some overalls that I one strapped. I threw on my weapons sheath and put my blue plastic hairbrush in it's holder and my Harpe in its respective sheath and I walked out of the cabin.

I found myself in a hallway...I gotta admit don't really know my way around the ship in this moment, I walked towards the sounds of voices. As I did I threw my hair up in a messy bun. Finally I found myself on the deck. We were in the air. I spotted Hazel and walked over to her.

"Hey! You're awake finally!" she greeted me with a warm smile and hug.

I smiled back than asked, "How long have I been out?"

Hazel shrugged, "Like two days, we got right to work with setting off after you said it was time to go. Everyone just grabbed any and all bags that were already pack and extra stuff they wanted while Leo who was already ready to go started preparing the ship. I grabbed all of your stuff for you. Will made sure you were in your cabin laying down and everything. Anyways, after all that we took off and now we're sailing through the Atlantic heading towards Europe." After she finished, she threw up over the side. "Of you'll excuse me I need to go sit in the bathroom forever."

She clasped her hand over her mouth and ran.

"She'll be okay once we get in the air eventually. But Percy says that if there is no reason to fly over water then we sail until there is reason to fly. He hates flying," Frank had come up behind me.

"I just feel so bad. Had Will tried healing her seasickness or does anyone know hypnotism?" I asked.

Frank just shrugged. I smiled at him. Then remembered my dream, "Frank, can you help me get everyone in the Mess Hall? I have some news. I had a dream."


I hope you guys enjoyed the first mention of our beloved Harry Potter characters. I promise they'll be for real in the story before you know it, with their own POVs. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!! Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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