A Choice

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Leo's POV:

"So I can either join you guys or die...wow, those odds are super fair," I said sarcastically, "I want to know the details. You said she can rise when your power is combine on the day the plants align. When exactly is that?"

Voldemort being the most full being out of the power super people in this room took the place to explain more, "On December 31st that is coming in a little less than a year, the plants will be aligned and we will need to be at her birth place, the place where the first gap or separation of the earth and heavens was created. In Ancient Greece, on Mount Olympus. This was not only where it is said Zeus created his first throne but it was where the world was truly first started, this is where the gap was made."

I thought about this, "But if Kronos hasn't taken over Percy's body is really at full power..."

"Percy's body would be ideal for him but if it happens that at the time of the ritual we haven't obtained him then using another's body will have to do," Voldemort explained. "That is all we are able to tell you at the given moment, the most important details are only kept between the three of us and Chaos..."

"That makes sense...so why do you guys need me?" I asked.

"You have inside information to the other side and you're powerful and talented in mechanics we could use that to our advantage," Voldemort explained.

I kept a poker face, "How? You have a magic!"

"Okay, maybe your mechanical skills are virtually useless to us but you would still be a valued warrior. We could be your new family, Leo Valdez."

I thought about this, a new gig, new friends, no Draco, sounded pretty sweet. Except I'd be going against my father and the rest of my family. I know I didn't always feel wanted with them but did I really want to betray them because I was butt hurt over not being chosen in a love triangle...not that is really was a love triangle...Bridget doesn't know I love her.

I also thought about my mother...is this the path she'd want me too take. She's probably watching from the Underworld and is disappointed I'm even considering this.

But I honestly was considering it.

*ouuuu a ~spicy~ transition*

Percy's POV:

Since Bridget's whole ordeal I was keeping with her as much as I could and Piper was helping. They were sharing a room now and at least for a while until Bridget doesn't show signs of doing what she did when Leo first left.

Jason and me have been keeping close trying to keep the bro moral up...but Leo was the one to always raise our spirits when we were both angry or stressed. Which is what we both are.

Nico was still very shaken despite attempting to pretend he was fine by continuing his sarcastic comments. But, we could all tell he still blames himself for Leo leaving. Believing if he hadn't found him we would've all kept living in blissful ignorance...but I think deep down though we all wanted Leo back, we feel better knowing what are friend was going through rather than letting him keep going through it alone. When we got him back we all wanted to help him see his purpose and importance.

Right now I was spending some time with Annabeth, I laid on my stomach on her bed and she was laying next to me playing with my hair. I loved when she did that.

"Perce?" She whispered. I hummed in response into her bed sheets, "I wanted to talk to about something."

I turned over and looked at her, "What's going on?"

She bit her lip and her cheeks were flushed, I could tell whatever was on her mind was upsetting her deeply, "Do you..." she started and then paused, then at a barely audible volume she whispered, "Do you regret anything that's happened?"

The question took me by surprise, "What do you mean, Annabeth?"

She looked at me almost as if she was scared thinking about what she was gonna say next, "Do you regret getting married?"

I sat up and looked at her with wide eyes, I could see there were tears brimming in hers, "Annabeth, where is this coming from? Did someone say something?" I stared at her intently even though the question made me extremely angry and confused I kept calm and just looking at her.

She let out a heavy breath, "No, no one said anything I've just been thinking a lot lately—"

"Well that's a dangerous thing to do," I tried to lighten the mood a little.

She looked at me and sighed, "Please, Percy, this is serious." I pursed my lips and nodded.


"I've been thinking a lot and I can't help but feel scared that you only proposed because you felt obligated or like we rushed things because of our situation. We haven't even had sex and that's like the first thing married people are suppose to do after the ceremony! Isn't it! Do you not want that with me? Am I not good enough for that?! Did you just feel sorry for me and that's why you proposed?!" she had suddenly become a little louder and I was even more confused on what she was talking about.

She was in full tears now and all I could do is look at her and feel my own eyes brimming with tears, she looked down and we were both quiet for a few minutes. Other than Annabeth's sniffles there was silence.

Tears were falling down my cheeks, finally I moved and I placed my hand underneath Annabeth's chin and I moved her head so she was looking up at me, I traced my finger over her jawline and over her lips.

Her eyes were puffy and her nose was running, her cheeks were red and wet. There were a million thoughts running through my mind about what I wanted to say to my the love of my life understand that everything I have ever done is because I love her more than anything in the world.

And out of everything I could've said, I simply whispered, "You're as beautiful as the day I first laid eyes on you."

She looked at me with tear filled eyes and desire everything she had just said...she smiled.

"Annabeth, I wanted to propose to you not because I feared we were running out of time...but because I wanted to make you mine and seal the most important promise of my life. I had similar thoughts once but after hearing everything you just said...we don't need to have sex to prove our love for one another. We have so much more than that. It will happen when we're ready, and only then. No need to rush, my love. Come here." I motioned for her to come closer and she did. I hugged her right like I would never let go and I kissed her head.

I leaned back and connected my lips too hers and they began to tango in a dance only we knew and it wasn't desperate or hungry it was loving and passionate. This girl was the love of my life.

We parted and looked at one another then I buried my head in her hair and she played with my hair in her cool fingers.

"I love you Seaweed Brain," she whispered.

"I love you too Wise Girl, I never have and I never will regret the choice to marry you," I whispered into her hair.


Percabeth has my heart forever and always and hope you guys agree. I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry the updates have been a bit slower my loves. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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