Thalia, Hazel, and Me Plan a Sleepover in Percy's Cabin

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Reyna's POV:

Camp Jupiter was going to be left without it's two Praetors...again. I wasn't too upset about going on another quest. I needed some adventure. But I wasn't thrilled that both Praetors were going. But I trusted Chiron could help them along and they would just go about business as usual without Frank and I.

After helping campers settle in, Hazel and I had decided to go to her cabin. We had become like sister's since the Giant War. We had a bond over being close to Nico. I was like his older sister and she was his younger half-sibling. Nico was someone I grew very fond of and I even called him my brother sometimes. After traveling across the county with a huge statue, a sorry...satyr, and sharing emotions and pain briefly. You form bonds.

I was always on the look out for anyone who had any problem with my little brother and his sexuality, or his boyfriends. They deserved to be happy and everyone was different. Nobody had a right to judge them. Hazel was the same. We usually caught the occasional person being a jerk together and beat them to a pulp or gave them a very long lecture.

right now Hazel and I were just sitting in Hades cabin and talking about the prophecy lines and what they could mean.

"I don't understand what we are facing, the lines made no sense when trying to say," Hazel said while raising up precious metals from underground them putting them back.

"I mean, I know it isn't talking about Gaea. I mean she might be apart of this. Previously defeated lines and stuff. But there has to be deities before her, Tartarus, Erbus, Eros, and Nyx. Maybe the fact that the prophecy tells us she was forgotten is why we never learned about her. Or maybe the gods and even Chiron know but it is just too horrible that they don't want to disclose yet. I have a feeling the gods and Chiron don't just forget who the original primordial deity was," I finally said out loud what I had been thinking since the meeting.

"Why wouldn't they tell—,"

"GUYS! I know what we're up against!!" Thalia burst in cutting off Hazel.

"Hello answer," I chuckled a bit then got serious. "What is it?"

"Gaea and her Giants, Kronos and his Titans," she explained, we all collectively swallowed fear, "And...Chaos. The Void. Primordial Deity from which all other beings came from. She is deep down hidden and forgotten...She is underneath even Tartarus..." she explained. Her hands were shaking.

" the two things we just defeated, she is bringing them out of sleep and back to life with the snap of her fingers. and then we are fighting literal Discord," Hazel collapses on her bed groaning.

"That is what I told Lady Artemis when she told me. She told me against Zeus command. But at least now we can kind of prepare...not really I don't know," she slide down the wall and sat on the ground.

I processed this information. I had heard of Chaos before...but never paid much attention. The stories came back to me now. I looked at the pale, black choppy haired girl with striking blue eyes, and then to the dark skinned girl, with golden eyes, and curling cinnamon hair and sighed, "When are we going to tell the others?"

"I was thinking we all have a little sleepover in one of the Big Three cabins or Bunker 9 and discuss things," Thalia offered. I nodded, it was a good idea. "Thalia of you go ask Chiron if that would be okay then we can all go start telling the others." Thalia got up and nodded then ran out the door.

"You know, as much as this sucks, at least the prophecy isn't to confusing and fairly straight forward," Hazel shrugged. I nodded in a agreement.

After about 10 minutes Thalia came back smiling. Which I assumed meant good news. "So where should we do it?" I asked.

"Um, this cabin is, no offense Haze, but kinda creepy. Cabin 1 has a creepy statue of my dad and is freezing and thunder rumbles and there is the occasional rain storm. Leo might now want us to mess anything up in Bunker 9. So, I am gonna say Percy's cabin is where we hold it. Percy won't care. I might wanna go find him first though and tell him he should clean up, he can be kind of a slob," she mused.

We all went off to go tell the others.

Hey!! I wanted them to have a "family" sleep over before he quest started and this just felt like a good way to put it in. They might even have a few more before they go. Chapter wasn't the longest but I have officially gotten at least one POV from everyone so now I can kinda go about POV's has I please. this is also I hope reassured people that even if we don't see someone for a little while that they will have a POV I just maybe don't have an idea or need for one from that character. Okay anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter as dull as it might have lowkey been (I promise things will get more interesting). Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter of Poseidon

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