First Time

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Nico's POV:

I doffed my shirt and undid my belt along with the pants buttons and zipper and laid down on my bed.

I stared at the ceiling in my cabin. I had just finished working out and I was sweating. My hair clinging to my forehead. I thought about Leo. Ever since he left I'd been pushing myself a lot to make sure there was no chance we'd suffer from the loss of our friend.

I thought about when I first saw Luke as Kronos in the Labyrinth. It felt like yesterday even though I knew it was a couple years in the past now.

I tried to close my eyes and sleep but every time I closed them Leo's pained screaming face flashed and I couldn't sleep. It led to nightmares. Not even normal demigods dreams could pain me more than having to relive that moment in the engine room.

I'd grown to really like Leo he truly did remind me of a fun uncle and despite my cold demeanor he made me smile on the inside.

The only person that I truly felt comfortable showing emotions around was Will, and he was the only person I felt fully okay with close contact.

I kept thinking and then heard my door open. I flicked my eyes over to the door after a few moments and caught a blushing Will staring at my naked torso and half covered lower body.

I chuckled, "You done yet?" I asked sarcastically. He choked and scratched the back of his neck.

"I should've knocked, I'm sorry," he said sheepishly.

I shrugged, "It's okay, you're already here it's not a big deal and I don't mind. I can fix this," I gestures to my undone pants, "If you would like though."

He swallowed again, and his voice came out in a small squeak that made my smile internally, "Whatever you want." I liked that I could simply be laying with pants unzipped and he could flustered. You couldn't even see anything.

I put my hands behind my head and continued to relax, "So, did you need something, Sunshine?" I asked closing my eyes

"Oh, yeah, I just wanted to see you and make sure you weren't working yourself to the bone. I know you've been pushing it lately," he explained, I felt him sit on the edge of my bed.

"So, what are my doctors orders? To rest?" I asked sarcastically.

I could almost feel him rolling his eyes, "I mean obviously, I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'd feel better if I could take a nap, but the nightmares just keep coming," I sighed.

I felt and heard Will shifting his position, I felt him laying down next to me, I looked to the side to see his face. I shifted so I was looking at him.

"Have they gotten worse?" Will asked me.

I nodded, "I don't only see Leo, I see Bianca, I see my mother, I see everyone who I feel as if I let down. But I mostly see Leo, the face he wore haunts me."

Will took my hand in his and looked at me, "None of those things were your fault, Neeks, you can't keep blaming yourself for everything that doesn't go perfectly."

I groaned, "I know, I know, but I feel like this black hole, everything I touch suffers and turns dark. That's why I've been so worried about us," I looked at the ring he gave me that was around my neck, "You gave me this showing me how much you cared and promising you wouldn't leave me. But—"

Will's lips connected with mine cutting me off from what I was saying.

I wasn't expecting it and my heart lurched in my chest. But I didn't stop him. Our lips did a tango and I felt his arm snake around my waist, he hooked a finger in one of my back belt loops. I felt his teeth nip at my bottom lip requesting entrance. I opened my mouth and his tongue slipped into my mouth. His hand that wasn't around my waist was on my chest and I shivered at the cold touch of his hands. One of my hands began to snake towards his shirt hem and tugged on it. Quickly and almost without missing a beat Will slid his shirt off and pulled me up.

We were now both sitting and he had pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him. I could feel my lower exposed abdomen brushing against his jeans and the feeling on my more sensitive and untouched area tickled and made me sigh deeper into Will.

His hands were tangled in my hair and mine were exploring his naked chest and back. I'd never gone to this point with him and it was making me a little nervous. I felt vulnerable and exposed. I could feel my manhood getting harder as Will began to explore my neck and collarbones with his lips. When he found one specific place in the crook of my neck a small moan escaped my lips.

I closed my eyes and allowed him to explore while I began to relax no longer thinking about my nightmares or worries.

after a few minutes I don't remember when it happened but I found my myself on my back with Will hovering over me. We also both had found ourselves in only underwear.

Will had left a decent amount of love bites on my collarbones and neck and I'd given him some as well. Our hips were grinding against each other and every so often a pleasure filled sigh or moan would escape one of us.

But then Will stopped and propped himself up on his arms and looked down at me, I frowned, "What?"

He bit his lip, "Are you ready for this or should we stop before we go any further?"

I hadn't super thought about it all until that moment but it did hit me how close we were getting. I looked at Will and I thought deeply.

I loved him and I felt ready. But also...was he?

"Are you ready?" I asked quietly.

"Nico, to be's not my first time, that's why I want it to be your decision," he moved so he was laying next to me and we were looking at each other.

I thought about this, of course he wasn't a virgin. I don't why I thought he was for even a second. It doesn't make me mad, just makes me feel like a child.

"Would you really want to waste your second time on a child," I asked with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes with a smile, "Shut up, Neeks, come here."

He pulled me over to him and the next hour was spent in complete euphoria and pleasure. I regretted nothing.

After that night I took the ring off the chain and placed it on my right ring finger. I was proud of my relationship.

"I love you," I whispered to Will. He was big spooning me and we were both about to fall asleep.

"I love you too, Neeks," he kissed my bare shoulder and I fell asleep and for the first time in a while had no nightmares.


We needed a Solangelo chapter...I've never wrote any ~super steamy~ stuff so I hope what I did was fairly decent lol. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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