Bridget my Love

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Draco's POV:

So we got the Moly, Annabeth offered Hermes a gift and he gave it too us. The lyre was also fairly easy...though it took longer because Apollo is a hard negotiator. Leo had end up creating ANOTHER weird instrument for him to give to Apollo (apparently he has done it before) for him to give us the original Orpheus Lyre.

This is where it gets hard and if you'd like to know where we are...we're currently in a raging storm in the Sea of Monsters.

My clothes as well as everyone else's are soaked to the bone. the only reason we are still alive is Leo's quick mechanical skills and Bridget's influence over water. Though she was becoming drained.

She looked so pale and tired but I could see the end of the storm, she just had to make it a little longer. I was using my wand to blast any debris away from the ship and mace waves when Bridget couldn't get to them. Annabeth was doing as much as she could to help Leo, but it was clear to see Leo and Bridget were doing all the heavy lifting.

I was beginning to miss the rest of our group more and more especially in this weather and circumstances. I wondered where they all were.

Suddenly, all I saw was black...the next thing I knew, I woke up in my bed with Bridget besides me stroking my hair.

"Hey, how's your head? You got hit really hard by a rock that was flying through the air," she asked me calmly.

I felt the headache, "Sore, but I'll be okay, where are we?"

"We're passing through Siren territory right now. Don't worry we fed you Moly. We got past the storm eventually," she explained.

I could tell there was something wrong with her, she wasn't her usual self. I don't exactly know how but I just had a feeling something was wrong.

"What's going on? you seem off," I asked her stroking her arm.

She sighed, "I could've stopped that rock. I could've been better. I can always be better but I'm not. I feeling so stupid for not seeing it. It's my fault you got hurt."

"Hey, hey, nothing is your fault. Why do you feel like this? Tell me what's going on," I sat up and enveloped her in a hug.

I heard her start crying, "Since the day I was born, I've had this urge to prove myself and be perfect. But I also feel like I have to scream to get anyone to notice me, so I do reckless things. But at the same time I mentally kick myself if I ever mess up. I guess it's kind of my fatal flaw. Needing to be perfect and prove I'm not weak or useless."

I hugged her tighter, "You don't need to prove yourself to anyone, you are as perfect as you can be and you try as hard as you can. You're strong, confident, brave, unique. can be a little reckless but have you met your brother, or at least heard the stories Annabeth has told you. You're just like him in so many ways. Just...unfortunately a little more broken."

She looked at me and smiled, "Thank you Draco. That means a lot to me, and helps. I just want to make everything as safe for my family and friends as possible even if it means putting myself at risk. That probably sounds crazy though."

I chuckled a bit, "No, it sounds like Ginny Weasley or Harry Potter or any of those Gryffindor. Though Ginny's family went to crazy lengths to stop her from doing dumb things, though she didn't always listen. And we'll do the same."

She buried her head into my chest and I felt her lips curl into a smile, which made me smile as well. The rest of the night we just cuddled up in my bed and eventually we fell asleep...


"NO!" Bridget jolted up screaming.

I bolted up too, she was crying, shaking, and sweating.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I put my arms around her all she could do is bury her head in my arm and cry for a while.

For about twenty minutes I stayed put and let her cry eventually her she calmed down enough to tell me what was happening, "Demigod dreams...they're not fun. I had a dream that a white skinned man with snake like eyes and no nose was holding my brother by his throat over a cliff side and there was nothing I could do. I was screaming but no sound came out and I couldn't move. He dropped Percy over the edge and he died. Then the dream shifted, all of you guys were tied up and there was nothing I could do, I was being forced to kill one of you guys. I was handed a knife, either I killed one and we were all set free or I killed no one and would be forced to watch you all die. Then there was on that I think related to our quest, I had the trident and Percy took it from me cause I was tired I went to go fight in a river...then I heard a scream then everything went black and I was in pain. That's when I work up."

I kissed her head and enveloped her in another hug until Annabeth came running in, "We're here. Let's go, in and out."

The two of us got up and met the other two on the deck, "So who's playing the lyre?" I asked.

We all looked at each other Annabeth sighed, "Circe will recognize me in I go in. At least two of you have to go anyway. One to play and one to grab the thing. Draco defiantly should go because you can immobilize the help woman and even Circe."

Bridget raised her hand, "I can play it. I used to fiddle around with instruments, how difficult can it be and there should be at least one girl."

I caught a death glare from Leo. Which for some reason just made me want to push his nerves a little further. I don't know why, maybe because of his obvious crush on my girlfriend.

I put my arm around Bridget's shoulders and with her hand closer to me she grabbed my hand that was around her shoulders her arm with lifted diagonally. She didn't quite notice the reason I had put my arm around her but Leo just glared more and rolled his eyes.

I smirked to myself, while I wasn't evil anymore I did find some joy in the fact that I got the girl.


I hope that arm around holding hand description made sense. Anyway, I liked this chapter, a little bit of action a little bit of feelings a little bit of spite and jealously😏I'm so sorry Leo, forgive me please!!!! Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

(also PJOandHoOFAN09 I loved the fan art it was awesome even for just a first draft💜)

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