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Third Person:

The group sat around the table and everyone conversed until Rachel finally walked in and stood at the head of the table. She place her hands down and started explaining.

"I believe I had a dream last night about the people we are suppose to meet. Three boys and two girls, they all look around 17 or 18. They were at this boarding school that was like a castle of stone. They were arguing but then they came to sort of this understanding. Everyone at the school around them had magic wands...they were doing magic," she told them. Everyone listened closely.

Annabeth spoke up, "So that is what the prophecy meant by magic, people who use it. Are they like Sadie and Carter Kane?"

Rachel shook their heads, "I don't know what they are or how they do it exactly but they have magic. I think we should set the course for Scotland first, new people are what I'm having dreams about we should go meet them before we do anything else."

Reyna nodded, "I agree with Rachel, if that is the piece of the prophecy she is having dreams about it is where we should start. This place has to be in Scotland as well because it said we'd meet new people there where Loch Ness is."

Grover bleated, "I second that notion."

Percy then clapped, "Okay then, I'll go start directing the ship." He got up and went up to the main deck. Leo followed him.

"Hey Percy, so how are you and your sister getting alone now that you guys have talked?" Leo asked his friend as they made their way up to the deck.

Percy shrugged, "Once we actually talked it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. She is really cool to be around and even though she is still a bit guarded around everyone she is defiantly lightening up just knowing about having a family now."

Leo nodded he laid on the deck sunbathing next to wear Percy stood doing his boat thing. "Percy, could I ask you something and you swear not to mention it to anyone else?"

Percy nodded, "Yeah of course, I also wanted to let you know I appreciate the friendship you and Jason have given my sister when she really didn't have anyone else."

"Yeah. No problem...So, what I was wondering is if Bridge mentioned me at any other sense besides just close friends," Leo asked sheepishly, "Not implying anything just a curious question."

Percy looked at him skeptically, "She mentioned kissing you on the cheek. But said it was sisterly...I don't know how much I believe her but...yeah."

They were both silent for a second and didn't talk, just sitting awkwardly, then Percy gave Leo a side look and gasped like he just realized something important.

"Do you have a crush on my sister?!" He gasped in shock.

Leo scratched his neck sheepishly...but when he opened his mouth to answer...he was interrupted by a sound booming of thunder.

"Huge storm, coming from the north!!" Jason ran up the steps from below yelling. Frank, Nico, Will, and Grover followed him.

Percy looked at him with concerned eyes and yelled back as the winds started to pick up, "I KNOW!!! I can feel it in the water currents underneath us. Go get our sisters!! We're gonna need their help with this!!"

Jason raised and eyebrow at him, the wind got louder and louder, "PERCE!!! ARE YOU SURE BRIDGET IS READY FOR A STORM OF THIS MAGNITUDE!!"

Percy hesitated....

Leo looked at Percy...Leo knew he couldn't let Bridget do something she wasn't ready for, even though she was a total badass, "PERCY!! SHE IS NOT READY!!! SHE SHOULD STAY BELOW DECK!! EVERYONE ELSE WE NEED THOUGH!!"

Down below the girls were all getting ready in their own rooms quickly to go up and help the boys. Bridget was getting ready too.

But not the way the others were, Thalia and herself were actually doing the same thing. They both felt the storm in their veins. Thalia was more experienced in this area because she has been in more battle. But

Bridget was sitting on her bed with her eyes closed, she felt every slight movement of water or too of the boat, she could feel her brothers movements and felt him straining to control the water alone. She felt the water spraying and moving with the wind. She could feel all the currents below her and she could sense where there were waves roaring.

She was about to get up and go to help the others when Jason burst into her cabin. "Bridget...I'm sorry, we all took a vote. You're staying here, we had a storm like this on our last quest and it was smaller than this and we barely survived that. Everyone else has experience in crazy events like this, if you go up there you'd have to able to help Percy and you aren't ready for that. I'm sorry but we ruled that you are to stay here."

Jason ran back up to the deck leaving Bridget alone in her room, she sat on her bed with anger. While she knew what they were saying was right and she wasn't ready...She knew her brother needed her help. If she couldn't help on deck, she could still help down here. She could feel the water currents and where waves were forming, she could try and control them.

So she stood up and lowered her center of gravity and started to concentrate.

Up above, everyone was freaking out.

"IS IT ANOHER GOD OR GODDESS DOING THIS BECAUSE IT IS WAY BIGGER THAN THE LAST HUGE STORM WE DEALT WITH!!" Piper screamed, only Hazel heard her because they were right next to one another. Hazel was a mess but she knew she had to help so she pushed her sickness down.

Thalia was on the deck trying to redirect the lighting strikes and the strong winds. Jason was in the air flying around and doing the same. Percy was standing in the middle of the deck with his arms outstretched like he was balancing on a tightrope. He was blocking the waves and making sure the boat stayed level. Everyone else was trying to keep the boat in one piece otherwise. By this point everyone was soaking wet including Percy because he wasn't trying to keep himself dry.

"ARGGHHH!!! SALT WATER IN THE EYE!!!!!" Leo squealed to pretty much no one, his hands flew over his ship controls.

"PERCY!!!!!" someone called out the loudest they could, it was impossible to tell over the wind but it was heard, Percy was too busy controlling one wave he missed a second one...

Everyone looked up at the massive wave about to crash down onto the ship with horror....


I hope my third person was pretty good, it was really hard not to use the word "I" because of how all the other POVs have played out. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I liked writing it. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

The Tale of the Lost Sister a PJO/HP CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now