I Become a Prissy Greek Princess

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Hazel's POV:

The wizards kept to their own, but so did we. It had been two weeks since we left the school and the only one I had gotten anywhere with was Ginny. She was really cool and we bonded over being the youngest (even though technically I'm the oldest).

We talked about our boyfriends, our adventures, and pretty much everything else in between. We explained our different worlds to one another. Though I could never say she had been through more than I had, she still had gone through a lot and I respected her strength in it all. I had no doubt she would adjust easy to our crazy lifestyle.

Right now we were sitting in my cabin talking, she had her little purple Pygmy Puff, Arnold on her shoulder. We were talking about magic, what my limits are, how she doesn't have any. It was amazing to learn about it, I figured that wizards must also be mortals blessed by Hecate because she favorited them as well. Magic seemed unnatural otherwise.

Something we'd learned while they were aboard is that while they cannot he affected by out weapons they all have the sight so they can see monsters, weapons, and anything that regular mortals usually wouldn't see through the Mist.

"So, is the age gap weird for you and Frank, or is it just normal by now?" Ginny asked me.

"Age is weird with demigods I guess, like Nico for example he turned 16 January 28th right before we left Hogwarts. But that also means chronologically he is now 84. And then Thalia...and now that doesn't even need explaining again, if you didn't get it when she explained two weeks ago...you never will," I explained laughing.

"Yeah, it's crazy how four of you have like literally been dead. Jason came back cause the Doors of Death were open you explained and Piper used Charmspeak. You sacrificed yourself and came back cause of the doors and Nico got you. Leo blew up and his metal dragon did the thing with the cure. Then Thalia became a tree and got brought back by the Golden Fleece while it healed the tree, I think I would have gone mentally insane if I was a demigod," she laughed.

I thought about that, "You know? there is a chance we have but because we're always on high alert and already half of us are ADHD you don't even notice haha."

"Would all da lovely ladies on the ship who totally luv Leo, please come to the main deck—,"

The speaker had started with Leo talking, then it squeaked and another voice came on.

"Ignore Leo, all the girls please just get up here, we got a situation," it sounded like Ron.

"Was that your brother?" I asked Ginny, "Why would be with Leo to even reach the loud speaker?"

Ginny shrugged, "Maybe just right place, right time you know? Let's go."

We headed up the to the main, deck. All the guys were there actually. That was why Ron was in range of the speaker.

Draco walked forward, "Okay, so...We were all just talked and realized that we need to get more information on what is happening—,"

Percy cut him off and just got to the point, "And the best way to do that is to go to this event that I heard someone locals here talking about when we landed yesterday. There is apparently a social gathering of Greek and Roman people's to discuss up coming events. Then I caught a bit of a conversation from some empousai when I was walking back to the ship, they were discussing the event to, but in the real fashion. It is a meeting with all those monsters and beings debating fighting in this war. They probably know a lot about the other side. Good information. But we don't know who should go...and it is formal Greek and Roman dress." after he explained all this I couldn't help but notice how dry his tone was...very unlike the Percy Jackson I was used to.

Piper looked at him and her talking pulled me from my thoughts, "What does that have to do with us? Why can't three of you go?"

Frank scratched the back of his head, "Cause most of us don't know how to properly dance, except really Percy, Harry, Draco, and Grover. and Grover can't go cause of his legs."

"Dance? What do you mean dance?" Reyna asked.

"It's a ball." Nico huffed out.

I looked at my brother with raised eyebrows, "Why is it a ball?"

Nico explained more, "Because it is not an official planned meeting, the actually event is an Ancient Greek and Roman themed ball for a bunch of stuffy rich people, the monsters are crashing so the meeting is less detectable."

"Ohhhhhh. Okay why didn't you just say 'Monsters and other creatures are crashing a greece and roman themed ball to meet in secret with less detectability'," Annabeth said like it was that simple.

"Well, because we were scared you'd be super mad when we say, you have to wear stuffy and nice dresses. And it is a girl mission, cause you guys are better at dancing. So have fun deciding who goes, and it has to be at least three of you and at least two have to be demigods. You cannot just throw both Ginny and Hermione in a situation like that," Ron said.

That is when we got angry.

"Oh there is no way in Hades I am going to a ball and dressing like some greek princess. Count me out!" Thalia said and walked off the deck. Reyna followed her.

Rachel simply laughed and said, "Yeah right, see ya suckers. you people who are left have fun." and walked away.

Piper, Annabeth, Bridget, and I all looked at one another. We all sped for the door back downstairs. Piper and Annabeth got down first. Bridget and I groaned.

"Great. So which witch wants to come with?" Bridget asked.

Ginny shrugged, "Yeah okay. When do we leave?"

Hermione patted her shoulder and smiled then walked below deck.

"The party is in a few hours and Percy prayed for Aphrodite to come help us out," Leo said.

"Ugh, I hate getting made over by her," I groaned.

As I did, there was a shimmer of light and she appeared, "Hello, Venus." I said unenthusiastically.

"PIPER!!! YOUR MOTHER IS HERE!!" Bridget called below deck laughing hautily. You could hear Piper screamed in anger from the main deck, we all laughed.

Ginny looked at the woman in front of her and just gawked.

"Hello, dears. The men, you are dismissed, I must work on these lovely ladies for their ball!!" Venus clapped cheerily.


I knew I wanted to get to them being forced to go to a ball, I don't know if this is my best way of doing it but it happened and now I already have ideas and I'm keeping it. But like I would understand if y'all HATED this chapter lmao. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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