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"Hey, (y/n) did you know we are getting a new student" you groan once you notice it's Scott

(The most annoying man you know)

I huff, "no, actually I did not" I open up my locker and put all most stuff I don't need into my locker

I look up to notice that Scott still there, I huff and cross my arms, "what do you want Scott" he laughs and shrugs

I roll my eyes, close my locker door and walk away

I get in class early, noticing I'm the only one their, I put my stuff down, and grab my headphones and listen to "the Beatles" while I wait

God, I hate English

After about 15 minutes people start to come in, Racheal (your best friend) sits next to you since, you could pick you new seats in the beginning of the year teacher still hasn't changed the seating chart yet

I put my headphones back, and talk to Racheal until, the bell rung, signaling class to start

My teacher runs in class, with his glasses on crooked, we all laugh at his state

"Alright" wheezes "Alright, class today, we'll be learning ..........

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