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Party time

As soon as people start to fill in, I'm walking around with a plate in my hand, asking, "refreshments"

As soon my mother's hired violin players come, everybody gathers around, the living room, I'm standing near the kitchen watch them

Until I notice, Micheal

Was right across from me, was you looked at me I looked away, I smirked he's trying so hard not to look at me


Once the violin players finished, I walked over to him, "hey" he looked at me, "hhey" he looked down, "you told your dad"

I look at him, "well I would feel guilty if I didn't say someone was looking for him" he looks at me and laughs alittle

"Yeah I guess"

"Here, come with me" I put my hand out he hesitantly takes my hand, and I lead him towards the dining room

Towards the kitchen, "want anything to drink, we have water, milk,  juice"

"I'll take milk" he looks at me, I nod and get the milk out, Micheal already has a cup out, so he hand me it to pour the milk in

"Alright finish your milk" I laugh once I glance towards him to see he has a milk mustache

I put the milk away, "wanna go upstairs it's a lot quieter up there"

He nods

I lead him upstairs towards my room, once we are in, Micheal closes the door, I go towards my coat rack to put my jacket/coat away

"Ohh, excuse me" I step out of the way, he takes one of my hats off my coat rack, and then walks towards my guitar that's hanging on the wall

And picks it up and starts dancing and singing, I just laugh

"You know your very confusing you know"


I laugh, "yes you, your all quiet and mysterious  and then you act like this"

He gives me an confused look and sits on my bed, then all of a sudden there's a knock at my door

My eyes widen, "go hurry, my closet" I whisper yell, he hurries to my closet and I open my door

"(Y/n) grandma's leaving let's go say bye"

"Oh, alright" I close the door, hoping Micheal will get the hint and leave while I'm gone

Beautifully (Danny Pope)Where stories live. Discover now