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Friday afternoon

I was walking with Micheal to his house after school, for his mother's birthday party

I have the ring for her in my pocket, since Micheal was so excited for me to give it to her, we continued to walk

Until we reach the house, Micheal opens the door for me, and I step inside I look around, Micheal closes the door behind me and takes my hand

He leads me to the kitchen, where a younger child was, he looks at both of us

Micheal walking over to the boy, "(y/n) this is my brother Steven, Steven this is (y/n)"

"Ohhh, is this your girlfriend, HI I'm Steven" I laugh at Micheal he looks so uncomfortable, "hey" I respond politely

After a few minutes a man comes in with a woman, I'm assuming this is their parents, "ooh, hi there Micheal didn't tell us we had company"

The woman said, "Oh mom, this is (y/n), (y/n) this is (I forget her name) and this is my father (/:)"

"Hi nice to meet you"

"Alright sooo, wait here (ifhn) I'll be right back" Micheal's father walks towards the kitchen and comes back with a cake

It says Sonia, who's Sonia

"Who's Sonia"

"OH, that um in our family we are all Sonia" I nod confused


After we finished cake, Steven put the music on, the boys began to dance while Micheal and I where sitting there

I smile and look at him wanting to dance he takes my hand, and leads me to an open spot we begin to dance


After dancing, we gave Micheal's mother her presents I gave her the ring Micheal really wanted me to give her


After everything Micheal walks me home, we begin to walk, through the woods because it's easier, and Micheal stops me

I look behind me and he gave me a little wave I smile at how stupid he was sometimes, he hugs me from behind

I look behind me, and he starts to lean in slowly and I slowly lean in and we kiss

We continue to kiss passionately until Micheal pulls away

I look at him confused and hurt I walk away angrily, leaving him confused and heartbroken

Beautifully (Danny Pope)Where stories live. Discover now