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Monday, afternoon

I've been ignoring Micheal all day, now I'm in my bed, reading my book well not really reading it since all I can think about is Micheal

I sigh, then decide to take a nap


I jolt up, "huh" Micheal was coming in my room through the window, I sit up

"Shh, you wouldn't talk to me, know get up" I look at him, "why the hell are you here, you know if you get caught"

"I came to see you know c'mon" I stand up and walk out the window with him we walk through the woods and stop where a bunch of rocks are

I sit done on one and Micheal sits on the one across from me

We sit for a few minutes until Micheal speaks up, "my name isn't Micheal it's Danny" I laugh, then look at him oh shit he's serious

"It's Danny Pope" I look at him my eyes watering

He's been lying this whole time

He scoots closer to me, "I I didn't want to lie, now I have no right in telling this to you, it's dangerous for you and it's dangerous for them but I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself you can do what you want to you can tell your dad anything I don't care I just needed you to know, I'm I don't know what I'm doing, and I love you"

I start to cry I hug him and he pulls me up so now I'm laying on him

I have no words

"I love you" I look up at him and smile he looks down to me and kiss

Beautifully (Danny Pope)Where stories live. Discover now