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Tuesday at Lunch

Danny, came to school late and told me he needed to take to me, at lunch it sounded important so I agreed

And now I'm in the lunch line, getting my sloppy joe

After getting out of line, I look for Danny he's not inside maybe he's outside, I look for him and his sitting on the rock so I go over and sit next to him

He looks horrible, he looks like he's been crying for days

"Hey you need to talk to me" I look at him and put my hand on his shoulder he jumped slightly

"I'm leaving" I look at him I take my hand of his shoulder, "what"

"My family and I are leaving" I look at him heartbroken, "yo...you deserve your own chance"

"You can't carry on someone else burden, just because you were born into it"

"I know I'm sorry" he hugs me, and kisses my cheek

"I love you but I have to go"

Beautifully (Danny Pope)Where stories live. Discover now