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Wednesday, afternoon

I walk downstairs towards the front door, "hey dad I'm going on for a walk"


I head out, walk towards a park, and notice that Micheal's there, I walk up to him, "hey" he looks up

"Hey" he looks down, "wanna go on a walk we me" he looks up and sighs, "sure"

Am I being to clingy or something did I do something wrong

We walk together, "it's beautiful"


We continue to walk, "you know, I wasn't sure if you liked me or not, you've been ignoring for days"

"Sometimes your sooo, distant"

"Well, I'm not to sure if you like me too much either" I look at him confused "I don't"

He looks at me confused, "oh c'mon you know I'm joking"

We continue to walk

I can't believe this guy

"Why are you so angry"

"It's wit not anger"

"You scare a lot of people" I laugh at that

"Besides you"

I stop and look afar the railing "Huhh, a lot of people scare me"

He laughs a little "who scares you"

"People who are nice like my parents" I turn around to look at him

"What's wrong with being nice"

"There's nothing wrong it's just like, what do you want, people are only nice when they want something"

"Well, I know who's not like that for sure" I look at him and we continue walking, "who"

"Well your father is for sure not like that" I scoff, "just because he was a victim of you breaking into his house and playing his panio and not getting punished is nice for you"

He just shrugs

We walk some more, and we head towards a beach, "I love the beach"

"Yeah" Micheal runs in front of me, then starts jumping around

God, why is he so cute

He starts to look around, "what are you looking for" I laugh alittle

"A present for my mom, it's almost her birthday soon" I walk with him and look around

I bend down to see a ring, "hey, Micheal I found a ring, you can give your mom"

Micheal runs towards me, and looks at it, "that's beautiful, it's for your mother"

Micheal runs towards me, and looks at it, "that's beautiful, it's for your mother"

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"Hmm no, you can give it to her, I'll find something else for her"

"Oh okay" I turn around to see where he went, and he went near the trees


It was getting dark, "hey Micheal I should get going" Micheal runs towards me, "I'll walk you" we smile at each other and leave

Beautifully (Danny Pope)Where stories live. Discover now