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Skip to 6th period, Music

I walk to my seat in the middle of the classroom, and get my notes out, while other students are coming in

The bell rings

"Alright class, get your notes out of you don't already have them out" while waiting for everybody to get their notes out the door slowly opens

My Father/Aka The teacher doesn't even seem to notice, since he's writing on the board

The guy looks around and we make eye contact, I quickly look down and blush, he's attractive

My father turns around and puts the chalk down, then he finally notices the guy, and then guy hands him a note

"Find an empty seat, Mr. Manfield" he walk towards the back, "Right listen up everyone" my father puts music on and starts to dance

I put my head down in embarrassment, while everyone just laughs, then they begin to dance, I shake my head and roll my eyes

And let a little laugh out, by my classmates

Then my father whistles, letting them know the need to stop know

We all clap, some holler, while I just clapped, I laugh to myself

"And Wait"

He puts in a new record

I look down at my notes, noticing this song does not sound familiar, I start to look through them all

While, others around me just laugh

After, he stops the song I look up from my notes, "now can anyone tell me the two differences between these two pieces"

I look around to see if anyone know, one of my classmates lifts her hand, I look at her confused

"The first ones pop, while the other ones classical" others begin to laugh, I look at my father

"At least we know your not death" my father laughs with them

"How bout you Mr. Smalling can you give us an extinction" Robert, sits up, "we'll um, the first ones bad, and the second ones good"

Their was some protest while he answered

"We'll that's uh matter of opinion then fact, I'm sure their are serval people in this room who would disagree"

I lean by in my chair, and glance at the new kid, who was looking at me, he quickly looked away

I looked back at my father

"Uhh, how bout you Mr. Manfield will you care to venture a guess"

I look back at him, he sits up and takes his glasses off, "well, you can't dance to Bavi Topin" someone whistle making us all clap

"That's very good Manfield, listen to much Bavi Topin"

"No, not really"

"Then how did you identify this piece"

"I guess I've heard some"

"We'll I'm sure the rest of the class can identify the other composer" "your quite correct you can't dance to Bavi Topin, can you tell me why Mr. Manfield"

I look back at him

"Because the Bavi Topin, piece does not use a constant rhythm or tempo" I look down at my notes and start to write it down

"And it's rhythm all the way through, the melody changes, but the rhythm is constant so you can dance to it quartet changes equality and rhythmically I'm going to play them again and listen to this"

As we listen, I write down the differences, my father begins to speak again but the bell rings, everybody stands up, while my father is still trying to talk

I stand up after my father says, "alright see you guys tomorrow" and walk to the door, that's when I notice Micheal behind me

"Oh you waited too" he looked up at me and noded shyly I smile and walk to my next class

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