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The dust surrounded the truck as Chance slowed and made the right hand turn onto the paved road. It was more of a driveway but it had always been referred to as a road since it extended nearly a mile before reaching the ranch house. It had been five years since he had left home. His dad had sent him to a private school where he was only allowed to return home at the holidays and during the summer. He had grown up on the ranch but when he reached high school his dad had pushed him out.

Chance decided not to come home for the summer before his senior year or for the holidays. His dad hadn't even seemed to notice. After his dad missed his graduation he decided not to go home at all. Now it was five years later and he had just graduated college. Two weeks before graduation he received the envelope with a simple letter, Proud. Spend the summer at the ranch. Could use an extra hand.

Chance surprised himself by accepting the offer but he wasn't ready to start his career. Mostly because he wasn't sure what he wanted to do. He had packed his bags and was now moments away from being home again. He drove under the head gate at the ranch. Clermont Cattle Farm.

The home came into view and Chance pulled up and parked in front. The house was large containing five bedrooms and five bathrooms. The porch wrapped around the entire house and Chance noted the house had been painted since he left.

To the left of the driveway, some ways back, was the horse barn. Half a mile behind the horse barn was a second much larger barn that often housed cattle, goats, and whatever other various animals his dad was trying to make money off of. Next to the livestock barn was the bunkhouse where the ranch hands stayed.

Chance opened the truck door and walked to the back of the truck. He could see the ATVs approaching from the valley.

Bryson slammed on breaks and jumped off the ATV. "Well I'll be got damned boy! The prodigal son has returned!" He exclaimed pulling Chance into a hug.

"Watch out fool," Colt said shoving Bryson out of the way. "Damn man we've missed you around here," he said pulling Chance into a hug. "Man what did they feed you up there in Houston? Steroids for breakfast?"

"I missed you jackasses too," Chance smiled. He ignored the comment about his size. When he had left he was merely a lanky kid. He had started going to the gym to pass the time and was now in great shape. He didn't have body builder size muscles but his muscles were defined.

Bryson shoved him and Colt jumped in as they all started tussling. Back when they were young Colt, Bryson, and Chance had been inseparable. Their play fight quickly turned into rough housing as they all wrestled to the ground. Bryson and Colt had both filled out. Chance assumed it was from the ranch work.

"Hey break it up and let me see my boy." Chance's dad said pulling Bryson back. The three got up from the ground dusting off the dirt. Chance stood face to face with his father. "You look good son. Glad you could make it." He extended his hand to Chance who took it firmly in his own.

"Good to be back sir." Chance said formally. He turned his attention to Joe, his father's right hand man. "Good to see you're still alive old man." Chance said to Joe smiling.

Joe pulled Chance into a tight grasp. "We'll catch up soon kid. Got to get back to work. Come on knuckleheads." He said gesturing towards Colt and Bryson.

"Yeah bro we'll catch up later!" Bryson exclaimed while following Joe back to the ATVs. The machines roared to life and they took off towards the livestock barn. Now Chance was left alone with his father.

"Well it's already late in the day so I'll let you get reacquainted with the place tonight and get to work tomorrow. You can go on inside the house and Erin should have dinner ready." His father didn't wait for a response. He turned and got back on his ATV following the path the others had taken.

"So much for a warm welcome pops," Chance grumbled to himself. He looked down and wiped the dust from his clothes. And who the hell is Erin? He thought to himself.

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