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Erin had been restless all night. She had blown up on Chris. Yeah he had been wrong to leave out the fact he had a son but she had gotten past that a week ago. What changed? Sure he was an adult, but that didn't really change anything did it?

She had woken up after midnight unable to fall back asleep. After checking on Emmy she had made a cup of tea and made her way out on to the porch. She was rocking quietly staring at the moon when movement caught her eye. She could see the silhouette walking towards the house. The glow of a light in the top of the barn provided enough light to make out Chance's features. She stopped rocking as he approached. Instead of coming to the house he stopped at a truck that she assumed must be his. After a few moments he closed the door and walked back towards the barn with something bundled under his arm.

He hadn't seen her. She let out a breath and waited until he was back inside the barn before heading back to bed. The rest of the night she laid awake. When her alarm had gone off at 8 she was already up and dressed. Chris was already gone. They hadn't spoken anymore after dinner last night and she pretended to be asleep when he left for the day.

Erin woke Emmy up and got her dressed. "Mommy is Chance going to play with me today?" Emmy asked with a wistful look in her eyes.

"I'm not sure babe. I think he's going to be on the ranch with the boys." She replied.

"Come on mommy we hab to hurry!" She said running down the stairs. "Chance is my new bestfran and I want to play with him!" She added.

Erin and Emmy ate the pancakes Katie had prepared. Katie cooked for the ranch hands and Chris every morning. She would serve their breakfast down at the bunkhouse but would always leave plates for Erin and Emmy. Emmy devoured her miniature pancakes. She had reallly taken to Chance. It only aggravated Erin more. She cleaned up their plates and headed outside.

She and Emmy enjoyed time outside. They would walk trails around the property, play in the creek, and pet and feed the animals. Some days Katie would take Emmy leaving Erin to tend to her horse and her own hobbies. Today she planned to take Emmy for a walk along on one of the trails and then ride the golf cart around the property where the boys were replacing the fencing to appease her.


Chance, Bryson, and Colt had been working on the fence for hours. The sun was beating down on them and he and Colt had discarded their shirts an hour ago. He and his father had merely exchanged nods that morning and Joe had directed the boys to work on the fence while he and Chris went into town for business.

"So Chance pick up any hotties in Houston?" Colt asked grinning.

"Come on bro you know Chance ain't no one woman man!" Bryson chimed in.

"No hoes," Chance said unloading the last of the boards from the trailer. "What about you guys, any lucky ladies?" He asked sarcastically.

"I got me a little lady over in Maydelle. Melissa Anderson. Her daddy hates me. Thinks she can do better than some dirty ranch hand." Chance could hear the hurt in Bryson's words despite the exaggerated smile on his face. "And Colt here's got a hard on for the bosses old lady."

"No I don't! But damn man you can't tell me she ain't fine as hell!" Colt retorted.

There was silence as Chance carried another board to the fence line. He realized there was no movement around him and he looked up to see Bryson and Colt staring expectantly. "What?" He asked.

"Dude you gotta admit she's a 10!" Colt yelled holding up all of his fingers. "Boy the things I would do to her.."

Chance laughed, "Considering she's a married woman I think I'll plead the fifth. Not to mention she's married to my dad."

"Hot damn is it our lucky day or what!" Bryson yelled. Chance let his eyes follow Bryson's to the golf cart headed their way. He could hear Emmy Lou's squeal across the field.


Emmy was trying to jump off the golf cart before it even came to a stop. Had it not been for Emmy Erin would have forgotten to hit the brakes at all. Her eyes were drawn to Chance immediately. He was shirtless and his body glistened with sweat. Beads of it flowed down his biceps and the v cut into his sides soaking into the waistline of his jeans. His abs were defined and short hairs traveled down his stomach.

She pulled her eyes away only to have them lock with his. His expression was intense. She got out of the cart and slipped her hands in her back pockets. His eyes traveled down her own body and she suddenly became self conscious of her short shorts and low cut t-shirt.

"Hey guys Emmy was dying to come out and see you." Erin could barely get the words out before Emmy cut her off.

"We brought lemonade!" She pointed towards the pitcher secured on the back. Erin filled three cups and passed them out. Her fingers brushed Chance's when passing the cup to him but she pulled her hand away quickly.

"Thanks Mrs. Clermont." Bryson and Colt said in unison.

"Thank you," Chance added.

"Chance are you done working?! I want to show you my barbies!" Emmy asked wrapping her arms around his leg.

He squatted down to her level. "You know what, I love barbies. How about you help me put up those last two boards and then you can show me your barbies."

Emmy jumped up and down with squeals of excitement. She ran to the section the boards were and picked up the hammer. Chance held the boards in place and let Emmy pound the nails in. She didn't have the strength or stability to knock them in but Chance let her get them far enough before letting her move to the next one. Erin noticed Emmy hit Chance's thumb and hand more than once. He simply smiled at her and said "hey! that hurts!"

Emmy was in awe of Chance and for some reason Erin was too. He was attractive but the way he took time with Emmy warmed her heart. Chris wasn't the playful type and honestly, he rarely took time with Emmy.

"Alright boys I think we have a new ranch hand." Chance said high giving Emmy. Erin's own smile was from ear to ear.

"Alright Emmy!" Colt yelled. "You got it done early for us so you know what that means?"

"Pool time!" Emmy, Colt, and Bryson yelled.

Chance looked to her. A few times during the summer when Chris was gone Emmy and the ranch hands would spend the afternoon in the pool. "That's fine with me." Erin supplied. "Come on Emmy we better get a head start."

"No! I want to ride back with Chance!" Emmy whined.

"You know you can't ride the ATVs. Now come on let's go." Emmy's shoulders dropped and she folded her arms defiantly.

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