So I've been talking with Mathew and he's a really cool guy, I think I'm beginning to develop some sort of crush on him and I can't help it. He's a really nice guy and he's always around ever since May and I have just stopped talking. I don't see May around, it's like she's avoiding me or something, she's always leaving anytime I walk towards her. She's hanging out with Damon and his brother who I still believe are using performance enhancement drugs.
My nightmares have gone a notch higher like from worse to worst and I still don't understand what they mean.
"Why's that guy always watching us" one of my teammates asked me as we began our drills for practice.
"Huh?" I asked confused
"The guy in the stands, he's always here watching us with that creepy smile" he said and I looked towards the stands and my eyes caught onto Matthew's own and I smiled at him. He also smiled back with this lingering expression on his face, I'm really beginning to like the guy and I just can't explain it but I'm also scared about the whole thing.
The next I know I tripped and fell on the cool, muddy grass of the school's field.
I heard some snickers coming from Damon and Stefan crew as I dusted myself up, guess I wasn't thinking but I think they purposely tripped me.
"What's your problem dude" I yelled approaching Damon
"Calm down loser" they said and continued laughing at me and how I embarrassingly just fell on my ass
"Listen here! I'm the captain here and I won't take it from you guys. You purposely did that" I hated confrontation but I've had it with these guys and their mocking stares. Damon got closer as we continued to stare at each other, I was already hearing the guys jeering us to fight and the chants just got louder. I begin to turn away but that's when I hear a striking sound, Mathew was stopping Damon from punching me, he literally held his hands in place and tightened his grip on Damon's arm, my eyes were so wide they probably looked like saucers, for a slim guy Mathew was frigging strong.
I could see the smoke erupting from Damon's hears as Mathew held his hand in place."Hey! Now knock if off guys" I heard coach yelling at us, he later dismissed us but not after running six laps as punishment for stirring up a fight.
My knees felt like jello as I breathed hard trying to calm my aching muscles.
"That's pretty tight" Mathew commented. We were the last two persons out on the field
"Thanks by the way, for stopping Damon" I expressed my gratitude to Mathew for not letting the fight to escalate
"No need to thank me, I wouldn't want anything to happen to that pretty face" Mathew smirked with full on confidence.
I know I said my knees felt like jello but now they feel weaker, I don't think anyone has called me pretty before so I just grinned and I could feel my face getting hot
"Mathew, you don't say such things to your guy friends" I chuckled nervously as the air suddenly became very tensed and awkward.
"But we are definitely more than friends" Mathew continued trying to stir up my emotions but I could feel the blush coming in twice as harder than before.
"Listen Mathew I-" but Mathew cut me off before I could continue
"I understand Max, you're a hot jock and a good footballer at that and not ready for a relationship with a guy yet, right?" He raised his eyebrows.
It's like he read my mind and knew my thoughts but that's a subtle way of saying I'm still a closeted football player. I'm really beginning to fall for him and I can't help it.
"Let's go out sometime" Mathew asked as packed up all my stuff, it's getting pretty late and I guess I'll just shower at home
"Like on a date?" I asked already knowing the answer
"Sure, why not?" Mathew grinned as stared at me like I was some sort of trophy, the way he stares at me always had me feeling squeamish
"I'm not sure I'm ready for that" I said quickly
"Calm your horses, it mustn't be something public, I can just come over at your place or you come over at mine. My siblings are totally chill" he explained and I couldn't help but smile and nod my head in response.
"Cool I'll text you then, later Max" Mathew said as he left me and I found myself walking towards the parking lot out of habit but I saw May's car parked there and she was inside waiting for me.
"Hey Max" she greeted shyly
"Hey" I said back as I opened the passenger door and entered
"I'm sorry Max but I've seen you hanging around that guy all the time and I don't think that's wise..." I cut her off immediately
"You're joking right, May you've been avoiding me this past few weeks and running off anytime I try to approach you and now you're telling me about who I should and should not hand out with?" I said airing out my frustrations at her, she's been annoying lately and I don't even know exactly what I did.
She didn't say anything but sigh so I continued
"May, we're best friends and I'm not gonna like and tell you I'm not hurt about this whole thing, can we just forget about everything cause I'm really sorry about asking you to continue to pretend to my boyfriend knowing that you are sacrificing an opportunity to be in a relationship with a guy you actually like, so I'm really sorry about the whole thing" I apologized regretting using May as a way to keep up my appearance, after our breakup I realized it didn't even matter and I really miss our friendship.
"I'm sorry too Max but I-" but she closed her mouth like she couldn't say anything more. The words refused to leave her mouth and I then I noticed something weird about May.
"Since when did you wear turtlenecks and is that blood on your neck" I asked trying to check her neck as the blood soaked her white turtleneck shirt.
She quickly swapped my hands off
"We're here and it's nothing" she said as she pulled her turtleneck further up her neck.
"See you tomorrow" I said goodbye
"Goodnight Max" she reversed her car and left
What the hell is going on!
WerewolfSalem is a small town where nothing happens but after Annie's father's accident a year ago, a battle ensues and Annie is caught up in the crossfire with vampires and werewolves and a darkness threatening to destroy the world.