Say So?

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(I just wanted to thank you guys 1k views and all of the sweet comments personally I think this story is cringy :3 )

•Hakagure's POV•

Today in class, every one was whispering about the thought of Natsu and Gray dating. Now of course they wouldn't whisper about them right in front of them, but they were late so half of the class was yelling it. We all agreed to bring sack lunches just so we can get our explanation.

"Has anyone seen Natsu or Gray?" Momo asked looking over the class she Co-represent. ''Now that you ask-"
"WE'RE HERE!" Natsu yelled as he walked in with his shirt half buttoned starting at the top, showing off a few of his abs. Gray walked in right behind him fully dressed, or at least looked actually ready for school.
Nobody really questioned Natsu's look, he looks like a guy who likes to not wear shirts.

"We're not late are we?"
"Not yet but we need you to explain what Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya saw yesterday.'' Momo said crossing her arms
"You can do that during your free time until then this my time''
Aizawa-sensei explained walking towards his desk.
Everyone ran to their seats.

"The Sports Festival is coming up so until then you will be training and getting ready."
"Aizawa-sensei will we have to time to train on our own?" Iida asked raising his hand, with that weird robot motion.
"Yes, actually you'll get the rest of this week to train until the festival."

"What's a sports festival?" Nastu spoke out
"It's basically where you get to show off your quirks and fight." Aizawa lazily explained. Sounds like he really doesn't care.
"Ohh so it's like the grand magic games" Natsu whispered to gray, he's a bad whisperer.
"Natsu since you wanna whisper in my,class would you like to elaborate on what you're talking about?"

Natsu stood up causing him to get attention, we all watch him as if he was about to run away.
"What dose e-labor-ate mean?"
"We were talking about the grand magic games"
"What's that?" Midoriya asked slipping his notebook out

"It's where we fight other guild in hopes of being number 1." Gray explained looking out the window, away from Natsu. I wonder if he's hiding a blush or something? I guess I'll just have to investigate after school. That weird glass ball they brought kept glowing for some reason. Maybe they bought a 8 ball?

Maybe its a fairy home!? Their home is called Fairy Tail and they have magic it makes since! Is this how Midoriya feels? It's so fulfilling and exciting.......... I LIKE IT!

~Natsu's POV~

I sat back down when Gray started explaining. Lucy has been trying to call us for some reason, Gray told me to just ignore her. I've been ignoring her since we left the cabin the lacrima won't stop glowing, and Aizawa-sensei has been saying big words, my head hurts. I wanna complain to Gray and cuddle with him, while rubs my head, or at least get a kiss AND WHERE'S MY CAT! I WANT MY SNOWMAN AND MY CAT! This uniform is hot so it feels like I ate too much fire, I'm taking it off. So I started rolling up the pants, and unbolting the jacket and the shirt. I tied the jacket around my waist.

Aizawa-sensei glanced at me before getting back in his sleeping bag for lunch. But of course Iida had to walk over to me. "Natsu-san the way you are wearing your uniform is very inappropriate!" he said with that weird arm. "Oh come on Class-Prez leave him alone." Gray said leaning in his chair. "Ohh taking up for your boyfriend?" Uraraka said walking towards Gray. " Im just saying his magic has to do with fire so obviously he gets extremely hot." Gray sad defending me.

"We each have problems with our quirks and its mutations, of course it's uncomfortable! But we don't get naked!" him and that arm is gonna be the death of me! "You never say anything when gray strips!" I said slamming my hand down on the desk, as if we were in the guild about to fight.

I looked down on the floor, as the lacrima rolled away. While still blinking an nice light blue. Midoriya picked it up. "Why is it blinking like that?" He said poking it. " NO! Don't poke it"  Erza showed up on the screen. "NATSU, GRAY! HAVE YOU SEEN WENDY?!"

"No how would she be here with us?" Gray asked.
"Uh the portal guy tried to take my cake so I sent him flying. He tried hit me back. Which ended in the whole guild fighting each other. While Wendy tried to get away,she got in the way of our fight and he teleported her away."

"Dammit, we need to find her, hopefully she ended up here" Gray said grabbing the lacrima.
"Yeah... Just keep a look out for her"
Erza said. "Is that Gray-sama!" I ran over to them.
" Bye gotta go class is starting" I said waving and double tapped the screen. I'm not letting get anywhere near my snowman. "Stay away from my snowman" I mumbled.

"Don't worry I'm all yours babe" Gray whispered. "We gotta talk when we get back to the cabin."
"About what?"
" I just wanna cuddle and complain"
"So the normal?"
"And talk about the prank since we didn't get to do it today because of Aizawa."

"What are you guys whispering about?" Uraraka said while the whole class stared at us.
" We're thinking of places our friend could be at!" I told Uraraka, she's been being mean ever since she saw me and Gray.
"Why can't you say it out loud then?" Ponytail asked
"Because it's none of your business and we don't even know your name" Gray said

"Okay My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, now will you guys explain what Uraraka and her the others saw yesterday?"
"What exactly did she see?" I asked scowling at Uraraka.
"You know good and well Na~t~su  what I saw!"
"Oh now I feeling a fire in my belly!" I'm about to punch her!

"Not now Natsu!" Gray grabbed my waist. " As much as I want to punch her too we can't hit them. Let's just tell them." He whispered in my ear, I just nodded.

×Do Faires Have Quirks?×  (Fairy Tail X Bnha Gratsu) ON BREAKWhere stories live. Discover now