The Bluff~

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\\\ Gray'sPOV ///
Happy and I saw Natsu leaving away from the car without getting in.

"I wonder what's up with him?"Happy joined Into my thoughts
"Yeah I'm a little worried"
"Is it-"
"Not it's not because I like him stupid cat" I said as we were getting into the car

"Hey uh kid is it okay if I borrow your cat?I need to uhhh fix my faucet, go grocery shopping, and pretend to be a stuffed animal for my daughter"

"That's a weird request but sure I'll help!"
"Good I'll bring him back Sunday so I'll just drop uhhh what's your name?"
"okay? My name's Gray and you are?"
"Oh I'm Yutaka so ill just quickly drop you off at the cabin" After he said that he turned around and started the car and drove off. I wonder what was up with Natsu he seemed upset after we had that argument with the class.

I hope he isn't at the cabin plotting to do something or doing something stupid. I was thinking so hard about what my boyfriend could be doing at the cabin that I didn't realize that we had arrived. Happy and Yutaka were starring at me. " b-bye" I yelled before throwing myself outta the car and ran inside. Only to see that the house is a mess what the hell has he been doing in here!? It looks like his house.

"NATSU"After I yelled his name a baby started crying I walked over to see a baby on the floor in a pizza box WHERE THE HECK DID HE GET A BABY FROM."NATSU WHERE DID THIS BABY COME FROM" He came running from our room. "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH JUVIA WHILE I WAS TRAINING" He said while shaking me and crying.

"We didn't do anything I told you I've been gay. I knew I was before Juvia came along" ''oh.."

"Is that what this is all about"I said pointing around us "That and you said we weren't in love I know it was to get the class off of our backs but it still hurts" He said on Verge of tears. "I-I don't wanna say we're not in love can we use something else?" "Sure pyro-baby"I pulled him into a hug "I want cuddles"he said pouting cutely "How about after we get rid of the baby" "Yeah I don't even know where it came from"

"So you're telling me it just showed up outta nowhere?"
"Yeah"he said with a small cute chuckle. I was about to pick up the baby out of the pizza box but it was gone. "It's gone...'' "W-what do you mean?" "THAT IS ONE FUCKING SCARY ASS BABY! IM DONE ITS GONE HOW!?" "I DON'T KNOW,MAYBE THE KID USED MAGIC!?"

"BUT MAGIC DOESN'T EXIST HERE... Maybe a quirk?"I explained "Maybe" Natsu said while hugging me. While I grabbed his waist hugging him back. After standing there for like 5 minutes. Each minute he held tighter and tighter to the point we fell on the couch.

"Hey Gray..."
"You better not cheat on me with Sonic"
"Or broccoli"
"I promise"
"Or ANY girls"

"I know"
"or boys"
"Okay Natsu i'll never cheat on you I promise on the guild's name that I won't cheat on you or leave you for someone else ok?"
"Good now we gotta change positions because sitting on our sides next to each other is uncomfortable."

We got up and move to where Natsu was now on top of my chest. We sat there we never got up for anything not to get or anything just sat there loving the warmth of his whole body. Until he fell asleep I then followed behind him and fell asleep.



~Next Day~
"Natsu~..." I groaned "Please get up Babe please"
"No you keep my body from over heating" he groaned back.
"and you make my body warmer"
"See win win you win I win"
"No not win win babe"
"Whatever I'm not getting up"
"If you don't get up how are we gonna eat?"
"We're already eating"
"eating what?"
"Air~ and it's delicious and nutritious"
"Um yeah I think you should stop listening to what Aizawa-sensei says or maybe just the smart things"

"But everything he says is smart because he's a teacher"
"Okay the sarcastic things"
"oh okay sure but I'm not getting up"
"Okay then~" I picked him up then sat him back down and walked to the kitchen. "See you didn't have to get up. Babe~"

"ugh whatever what are you making?" he said getting up and walked over and hugged my back putting his face into my bare back.
"dunno I've never really looked in this fridge because we basically eat out every night"

"So why don't we just eat out for breakfast?"
"Because the school bought us that food and we have to wait for our allowance again"
"oh have you found anything yet?"
"Yeah how do you feel about sausages, toast with grits"
"As long as you make it I'll eat"
"You'll eat anything"

"As long as you know"
"I guess I don't have to worry about you not eating burnt food too huh?"
"Hey, I like it crispy" he said while shrugging one shoulder

*Dun dun*
"I'll go see who it is" Natsu ran off to the door. Happy shouldn't be back until tommorow so I wonder who that is. "Midoriya and his friends are here!" "Stop yelling you idiot"
"Whatever stripper"

"Mmm it smells good in here~" The brown haired girl said walking towards me. Natsu only glared at her while she got closer so I moved over to the cabinet to get the salt.
"What are you guys cooking it doesn't smell like everyday breakfast" Glasses walked over to the stove while the brown haired girl tried to get closer to me. While I just walked back over to the stove and put some salt in the grits.

"None of this food looks Japanese is that American ingredients?"
"I guess? I don't know what that is Mira makes it for us at the guild for breakfast all the time!" Natsu said
"Who's Mira " Midoriya asked "She was the white haired girl with the radish colored dress"
"Oh so she cooks for you maybe I can try cooking for you too sometime"The brown haired girl said.

"Nah I'm good"
"Hey brown haired girl what's your name and quirk?" Natsu asked
"Oh I guess I never introduced myself"
''No you haven't"he said
"Well I'm Ochaco Uraraka"
"And I'm class president Tenya Iida"
"Well Uraraka just to le-"

"Natsu Gray!" Turned around then there was the whole guild. "I thought you guys were only gonna call 1 a month" " Yeah but Wendy didn't use to much magic yesterday so we decided to call" Lucy came into view
"Gray are you okay have any girls been trying to get to you my love?" Juvia said

"I-Is T-That your Girlfriend Gray-san?" Uraraka said. I wanted to say Yes then I looked over to Natsu he a little sad frown "No she's not" "Then w-" " She's not my girlfriend!" I said pulling out the toast and making me and Natsu's plates. "Who's that girl with you Gray my love are you c-cheat-ting on me?" She said about to cry. "No we're not even dating!"

"B-But Gray my love I-

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