Chapter 6

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//Happy's POV\\

"Finally home! I'm so tired I could sleep for seven years again!" Natsu exclaimed "I don't think you or we wanna do that again..." Wendy replied. "Yeah I'm tired but not enough to do that again" Gray mummers quietly.

We had finally made it back to the begging of the trail to the cabin. Wendy, Carla, and I have rooms at the 1-A dorm now. I asked for them so we can leave the lovebirds alone together.

Wendy wanted to stay with them but Carla didn't want her staying with a bunch of "males with no respect for space". That and she didn't want Wendy walking in the middle of something, that'll ruin her childhood or something.

"Bye Natsu and Gray!" Wendy waved at them as they disappeared into the trees.

"Now let's head off to the dorms. It's almost past your bedtime Wendy" Carla said. We quickly got to the 1-A dorms,well I did Carla started nagging about how I barely helped in the festival. I wonder what's gonna happen tomorrow?

|Gray's POV|

"I wonder why they prefer to stay in the dorms?" I said aloud to myself.

"Maybe they want to train with them!"

The pink haired idiot said.

"I highly doubt that, not everything is about fighting." I explained to him, but I obviously didn't get through to him. The cabin started to come in sight a bit.

"Race ya there!" He says as he runs off I quickly start to dash after him,to win.

"What happened to being tired and wanting to sleep for seven years!?" Mocking him made him slow down.

I sped up my pace to the front door.

"I WIN!"

"That's not fair Gray, you brought up past conversations!"

"Natsu, that was literally like 5 minutes ago!" I replied as we walked through the door.

"Yeah yeah" he mumbled as he made his way to the bedroom, I quickly ran behind him.

"Awee is somebody upset because they lost?"

He then began to giggle creepily turning towards me slowly.

"Now who said the race was over?" He mumbled. "Huh? It's too late to change the rules, we already made it back to the cabin." I explained to him, he then started to look around as if he just realized where he was. "You must be really tired. I think it's time you actually got some sleep."

"Yeah my head is pounding..." "I'll check if we have any pain medicine." "Can you also get me a cup of water? My mouth feels a bit dry." "Yeah i'll try to be quick." I told him as I left the room.

~Natsu's POV~

He actually fell for it!!! Hehe, now I can trick him into doing whatever I say. That's if I keep up this great acting! I'm so smart this is the best idea i've ever had. At first it was just a little race, but now it is a nice beautiful prank!

Gray walked back in with a small pill and a glass of water. This little pill won't hurt me if I take it for no reason sso i'll be fine. He handed me the pill and the glass, then sat down next to me. I mean I can try to fake taking it...

I slipped the pillin to my mouth and hid it under my tongue, then drank a bit of the water. I made a gulp to make it seem as if I swallowed them together . "You swallowed them together?" "Yeah?" I looked up at the skeptical face he was giving me. "Alright then, let me see. Open your mouth." He said as he got closer to me "What ew no!" I said trying to push him back, as my face felt a little warm.

"Why not? You're not trying to prank me again are you?" This cold hearted snowman! "How'd you find out!?" HE GIGGLED AT ME! "Just now, when you said that. Now I think you should take that pill out of your mouth, I bet it has already started to dissolve."

"Shut up!" I marched out of the room to that bathroom to spit out the medicine. The prank may have failed but it felt good to Gray worry about me. I don't want to worry him too much though. His face when he tried to gloat was so funny, I chuckled to myself as I walked back to the room. Gray was laying on his back looking at the television, we moved into our room from the living room.

"Whatcha watching?" He looked at me,I guess he didn't notice I was back. "This show,called the Simpsons." He said as he turned his head back to the screen.

"Oh" I layed down next to him we ,watched the show all night. It was really funny, I guess you could say we binged watched until we fell asleep or at least I did.

///Gray's POV\\\

After being pranked by this cute pink haired idiot, he reminded me that we were actually supposed to prank the class. I guess we just got so caught up with the festival that we didn't really have time to make plans. I'm not gonna worry about it, I have more important things to do. Like trying to figure out how we're gonna get home and continue to date without the guild finding out...

I mean we could only take long missions that give us enough jewels to feed ourselves and have places to stay, but then what about Wendy and Lucy. I mean this could be the independence Lucy needs. That and she has the Evil Wit- I mean Erza with her. Wendy is powerful and has Carla with her who can also fight.

But she could just team up with Erza and Lucy, they could be an all girls mage group in Fairy Tail! That is if Happy decides to stay with us but he needs to start training harder. He needs to be more useful like fighting wise. Just flying ain't gonna cut it!

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