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///Chapter includes slight cursing and a heated Scene!\\\

///Gray's POV\\
"GRAY , HAPPY LOOK THEY HAVE OUR HERO SUITS!" Natsu came running into the room with a picture. He looked so excited and cute.
"It's okay to call each other those cutesy names in front of me" The cat said waving his hand like an idiot. If I marry Natsu would that mean I'm taking Lisanna's spot as his other parent/Best friend?

"Let me see" He handed me the picture, wow they even envisioned us in them. "How'd they know how we wanted them?"
" I got the car driver's daughter to help!" Happy said all proud.
I bet they just sent a picture something from a t.v show or a bunch of stick peole. But other than that I like it. We don't look like Ninjas too much, so that's good.

"I guess they're okay" I gave Natsu the picture back, he stared at me as if he has a problem with something.
" I think I'm gonna go see the class's dormitory " and that's how the cat disappeared once again. After we heard the door, Natsu flopped down onto my chest.
"Too bad he left,I really wanted you both."

"What's wrong" I rubbed his soft tuna colored hair.
"I dunno just tired, Wendy's missing. Lucy and Juvia never leave us alone.
The class is being weird and I just want my snowman and cat"
"Well I can help with half of that"

~Third POV~
Gray laid Natsu down next to him, he hugged the fire mage from behind .
"We can try looking for Wendy tomorrow after school."
"Really!?" Natsu turned around and looked up to his boyfriend.
"Duh she's family" Gray leans in to kiss Natsu's head, Natsu moves his head up. As their lips meet, Gray moves his hand to the back of Natsu's head to make sure he doesn't leave. Their lips move in sink, as they had trouble in the beginning with which direction their heads go.

Gray bit Natsu's lip for fun, earning a quite moan from Natsu.
"Don't hold them in" Gray grunted quickly slipping his tongue into Natsu's mouth. They continued to kiss as Gray moves to change positions, to where he's now pinning Natsu to the bed, with his knee between his legs. He moves his leg up and down. Natsu's inner thigh causing him to moan into the kiss. Natsu moved his head to break the kiss, so they could breathe. Gray looked at the fire mage under him, as he was trying to catch his breath. He studied his facial expression, proud of the huge blush on Natsu's face.

Gray playfully flopped down on Natsu, feeling as he squirmed under him.
"Popsicle! Get off meee" Natsu said as Gray laughed at the Pinkette.
"Not until you admit it" Gray laughed out
"Admit what?" Natsu asked not giving up on trying to escape.
"That I'm the Ice King!"
"Never!" Natsu slipped from under Gray and ran out the room with Gray following behind.
"Admit it!"

Natsu ran until he reached the school, seeing as they were the only ones there, they ran rapid throughout the front yard past the gate. He lost Gray after he ran through some bushes.
Natsu turned around to see a small girl with blue hair and her white cat.
"Wendy!?" Natsu yelled as he ran over to the small girl, crushing her in a bear hug.
"BABE WHERE ARE YOU?!" Gray walked around yelling Babe not caring who will hear.

"Who's that? Sounds like Gray" Wendy said getting out of Natsu's hug
"Hey Carla!" Natsu waves to the white exceed, trying to avoid Wendy's question.
"Don't Hi Carla me, answer the child!"
"What's going on here?" Gray peaked into the bushes.
"Wendy? Carla? Hey"
"Hello Gray would you mind explaining why you were yelling Babe?"

"Uh I got a girlfriend?"
"You've only been here for a month! You couldn't have fallen in love that fast!" Carla said getting irritated.
"Hey! Love is love!" Gray said.
"Yeah right!"Carla said crossing her arms.
"We're dating" Natsu mumbled
"What'd you say Natsu?"
"We're dating! Me and Gray are together!" He said going into further explanation.

"We knew it!" The whole class came out of the bushes.
"Where'd you guys come from?!"Natsu and Gray said together.
"WE'VE BEEN FOLLOWING YOU ALL FUCKING DAY!" Bakugou yelled irritated by just being here.
"For How long!? Natsu did you hear them?!"
"We've been following you since you left for the cabin, though we couldn't see you guys clear enough through the windows." Mimi explains

"I couldn't focus my hearing probably because I couldn't hear over my self yelling at Happy" Natsu said lying. Gray smirked as he thought back to their kiss earlier.
"That's probably why Happy left!" Midoriya spoke up.
"Maybe?" Iida said thinking of other ways, although he didn't want to spy on his classmates he was still curious, about their relationship.

"Well since we know what we wanted to find, out I think we should head home and get some rest for the sports festival." Iida said chopping his hand, then looking around at his classmates whom had dirt all over their clothes.
"Yeah we need to go tell the guild that we found Wendy and Carla" Gray said.
"Wait where's Happy? He said that he was going to the Class's Dormitory!" Natsu said sounding upset, as he picked up Wendy who had Carla in her arms.

"Don't worry he's right here!" Denki walked to the front of the group, with the sleeping blue cat in his hands. He gave Gray the cat.
"Well I think it's time for us to go, bye!" Gray said as he began to walk away
"Bye"Natsu said as he ran behind Gray
"B-Bye" Wendy yelled before they were outside of the gates.
"What's up Wendy?" Natsu smiles down to the blue haired girl.
"What's the Sports Festival?" She asked
"Yes, I two am want to know what that is" Carla said.
"It's kinda like the Grand Magic Games but you have to fight your guild-mates too!" Natsu said excited for tomorrow.

"Really! Can we join in too?" Wendy asked want to fight, she could feel that the people here were really strong.
"We"ll have to ask our teacher." Gray said as they reached the cabin.

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