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"Atsumu, is it really safe for you to drive?"

It's been one month since Miya Osamu lost his best friend, his wife, his one and only. It's been two weeks since he attended her funeral.

"'Samu, it'll be fine. I have a driver's license for a reason." The bleached haired male looked to his brother, then back to the road.

The two sat in silence. Both were mourning the death of (L/N) (Y/N). Atsumu had grown to love her, once as someone he thought would be his one and only but then she became like a sister to him. Osamu could barely go through a day. Everything reminded him of her.

The sky held her favorite things. The clouds formed things she loved. (Blank) reminded him of her eyes while (blank) reminded him of her hair. His own children held aspects of her, sometimes he could barely stand it.

"Look," Atsumu pointed to a small shop, "wasn't that (Y/N)'s favorite flower?" He parked the car nearby, dragging his brother outside and into the shop.

Osamu looked at the flowers, feeling the tears puddle at his eyes. When he blinked, tears splashed down his face. He felt Atsumu wrap an arm around him, giving him a side hug.

The two bought the flowers, then getting back in the car to visit their lost friend. The car ride was silent, then it erupted in noise.

Atsumu turned the car. A large truck had lost control and spiraling at them.

"Atsumu!" The grey-silver haired male unbuckled his seat to cover his younger brother. The two let out a scream when the truck hit the car.

Miya Atsumu screamed, feeling his limp brother's body on him. Glass was shattered on him, cuts on his head and back. Blood spurred from his body.

The younger brother, even when he had blood dripping from his own head and he could barely keep his eyes open, reached for his brother's wrist.

He knew, his brother was gone.

Everything else was a blur for Miya Atsumu. Sirens rang in his ears, next voices, then nothing.

News of the deaths of the Miya Brothers stormed worldwide. Miya Osamu, a male who owned a simple onigiri shop and who once was an amazing volleyball player, and Miya Atsumu, a male who was loved by all and was an amazing volleyball player- making it to national level, were gone.

The two males opened their eyes again. In front of them was a girl. She wasn't old, but she wasn't a teen. A young adult. Her (h/c) hair blown behind her. Her (e/c) eyes showed warmth and happiness.

"Hi 'Os, Atsumu."

The three hugged, warmth found in each others arms.


"Are you sure you want to reincarnate?" Osamu asked, holding hands with (Y/N). "What if we don't meet again? What if I lose you again?"
"You won't," she smiled, "I'll always be with you. We'll find each other again."

Atsumu jumped his brother, "Look on the bright side, you're stuck with me because we're twins!"
"That's the dark side," Osamu sighed.

"Well," Osamu smiled. Atsumu stood on his left while (Y/N) was on his right, "let's go."

The three walked into the white light..soon each found themselves hearing the sounds of babies crying.

"Misa Okiteru and Akihiko," a voice called, "beautiful names for two beautiful twins."
  "Kichi Hana, the perfect name for our daughter."

  As their cries quieted down, their memories as Miya Osamu, Miya Atsumu, and (L/N) (Y/N) disappeared.

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