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  Misa Akihiko was practicing with his brother in the morning, before school started. He had set the ball in the air when he exclaimed,

  "Let's have a double date!"

  The ball had flown right passed his brother, who had landed with a confused look on his face. "What?"
  "Double date. You know, when two couples go out together." Akihiko pulled another ball from the ball basket, "You and Yana-Chan are dating, right?"
  Okiteru shook his head, "Besides, wouldn't you need someone- like a girlfriend- to double date?"
  "Who says I don't have one?" Akihiko asked. The male set the ball, this time it hit his brother in the face.

  Okiteru raised an eyebrow at his brother, "Alright, who is it?"
  "Let me go get her!" Akihiko threw another volleyball at him before sprinting out of the gym.

  Kichi Hana was at her locker, placing her bag inside when Akihiko shut her locker. She let out a huff of annoyance. "What do you need?"
  "It's show time!" Akihiko grabbed her hand, "Time to prove to Okiteru that you're my girlfriend."
  The male tugged her through the halls, along the way he laced their fingers together. "Because I'm trying to convince him to come to a double date."
  "What are you planning in your head?" She raised an eyebrow, hand relaxing at last.
  "You'll see." Akihiko turned to face her right as they reached the doors of the gym. His breath hot against her own. "Now, let's go show him what he's missing out on, sweetheart."
  Hana went red, turning and opening the door.

  "Okiteru, I presume you know my girlfriend." Akihiko held his hand up, showing the laced fingers. "Kichi Hana."

  Okiteru had to take a double take. The memories of Miya Osamu filled his head. The kisses, the hugs, the cuddles, the I love yous. Everything with the girl his brother was dating.

  "Uhm, there is no way you're dating." Okiteru said flatly. "Too awkward looking."
  The two stood there, both with bored eyes.
  "Alright, well, we don't have to prove ourselves. If you don't believe us, then fine." Hana pursed her lips. "Akihiko, set for me?"
  The setter laughed, "Nope!" He had suddenly lifted the girl up, throwing her over his shoulders.

  Memories of Miya Atsumu throwing (L/N) (Y/N) over his shoulders flashed through Hana's mind.

  "Akihiko!" She squealed.
  The male put her down, "What?"
  "Tag, you're it!" She booped his nose.

  Okiteru stared as his brother chased his friend around. "You guys are gross."
  Akihiko stopped, "Double date or what?"

- - -

  Yana Izama was so happy when Misa Okiteru asked her out, even if it was a double date with his brother and his brother's girlfriend. But a date was a date!

  It was after school, so they all wore their school uniforms still. Yana sat next to Okiteru while Akihiko sat with Hana.

  Izama was surprised when the hot, 'it' boy of the school revealed he was dating Hana. Though, Hana had gained popularity, Izama wasn't that surprised. Still surprised, none the less.

  "How did you two get together?" Yana asked, taking her fork and stabbing into the cake in front of her.
  Akihiko looked at Hana, "Volleyball."
  "More details?" Okiteru covered his mouth as he spoke.
  "He means," Hana jabbed her fork at Akihiko, who flinched slightly and stuck his tongue out, "he saw me in the gym playing after practice and asked me out. No big deal."
  "Cute?" Yana stated, though it sounded more like a question.

  "Hana," Akihiko stated after a moment of silence, "let's switch cakes."
  "Why?" The girl pulled at one of her (h/c) locks.
  The male took a bite of her dessert, "I like yours better."
  "Baka!" She then sighed, "Fine. But we're switching drinks, you like my smoothie and I like your (drink choice)."
  "You know me so well!"

- -

  "Atsumu, stop taking my food!" (Y/N) pouted as the male once again swiped at her dessert.
  The blonde twin gave a grin, "But you always have the better orders!"
  "That sucks. I want my cake."
  Atsumu pouted, "How about we switch? You can have my drink too."
  "Sure," (Y/N) poked her fork at his order, "I like your drink anyways."

  Osamu blinked in confusion. He was her boyfriend, fake but still boyfriend, and here was his brother..stealing her.

  "Why do you always have the best orders?" Atsumu asked, finishing the cake up.
  (Y/N) shrugged, "I just like sweets."
  "Well, I'm going to order this from now on."

- -

  "Okiteru?" Izama waved her hand in front of the male, "You okay?"
  "Huh?" The male jerked up. He blinked, "Sorry, I..uh..spaced out."

  Hana sighed, she knew it was another flashback.

  The date ended quite early. Izama had to go home to watch her younger siblings. Okiteru offered to walk her home but she declined. She said something about rabid siblings before taking off.

  "Hana's going to come over," Akihiko slung his arm around her, "hope you don't mind."
  "I don't." Okiteru walked behind the two. He was confused on how his brother had ended up with his supposed soulmate. Then again, if soulmates were real, he'd be with Hana, right? Shaking his head, he continued to walk home.

  The Misa parents were just like the Miya parents back in his past life. The memories of Miya Osamu blended with his own when it came to his parents. Not that it mattered, they were practically the same.

  "Aren't you just the cutest!" Momma Misa pinched Hana's cheeks. "How'd you end up with Akihiko?"

  Hana and Akihiko went up to his room, promising to not do any funny business. Okiteru plopped onto the couch, a sigh escaping his mouth.

  "How are you and Izama?" His mom made him lift his head. She sat, allowing his son to rest his head on her lap.
  "We were just on a date with 'Hiko and Hana." Okiteru felt his mom ran her fingers through his hair. "It didn't feel like before."
  "Before?" The tone she used made it sound like she knew something.
  Okiteru sighed again, "I didn't have the butterflies like before. My heart didn't race. Everything felt..."
  "Bland?" Momma Misa finished. "That happens. But it'll be fixed when you find your soulmate!"
  "Soulmates aren't real."
  The mother continued to run her hands through her son's hair, "Why not?" As if she read his mind, she continued to say, "Or you would be with (Y/N) right now, right?"

  Okiteru sat up, "You know?"
  "Honey, the Soulmates's Eye shows the past lives of your soul." Momma Misa smiled, "And seeing the life of Miya (Whatever the mom's name is), you also see your son find his soulmate."
  "How long did you know? That Hana was (Y/N)?" Okiteru asked. "How long did you know that I was Osamu?"
  "Since you were born," Momma Misa spoke, "You look exactly like your past life. So does Hana. I've always known you'd find her again."
  "But she's with..."
  "Your brother, yes." Momma Misa laughed, "it's called character development."
  "You make us sound like we're in a book or television show." Okiteru rolled his eyes. "I'm going to my room. Thanks for the talk, Mom."
  "Always, child."

- - -

  Akihiko frowned, "How is that wrong? You just find the percentage and multiply by two!"
  "Do you not understand that it says to DIVIDE?!" Hana pointed at the directions. "Do you read at all?"

  "Hey, you seemed interested in Kageyama Tobio." Akihiko put his pencil down. "He's too much of a goody-two-shoes for my liking."
  "He's a great player." Hana smiled, "The King of the Court, right? The genius setter?"
  "Don't tell me he doesn't annoy you too!"
  "Why should he?"

  Somewhere in the world, Kageyama Tobio sneezed. A volleyball he was suppose to set hit his face.
  "Are you sick, Kageyama?"

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