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"I don't understand why you're hanging with her," Akihiko told his twin brother while they walked through the halls. "Kichi Hana isn't the..greatest..person in our school."
"What do you mean?" Osamu/Okiteru asked, "She's fun to be around."
Akihiko rolled his eyes, "Nerdest girl in school. She doesn't actually have friends."
"Well, I'm her friend, so she does have a friend!" Osamu/Okiteru argued, "You should give her a chance. Since we don't have practice today, she's coming over to help me with my homework."
"We'll see."

"Also, she isn't nerdy." Osamu/Okiteru added, "she's like every other person. Sarcastic, witty. You just need to get to know her."
"Uh huh."

- - -

"Hana, this is Akihiko," Osamu/Okiteru introduced his friend/soulmate/whatever-she-was-to-him to his brother. "Akihiko, this is Hana."
"First names?" His twin brother raised an eyebrow, "Nice to meet you, Kachi."
"You too, Misa..or..uh..Akihiko?"

"How did you mess that up?" Hana/(Y/N) sighed. "We're high schoolers. All you need is PEMDAS. I don't understand." She had helped the male do his work, slowly realizing how dumb her friend/soulmate/dude was.

  When they finished, the two went downstairs went downstairs. Akihiko was sitting on the couch, blanket thrown over his shoulders as he watched a volleyball match on television.

  "He still plays?" (Y/N)/Hana gasped on the screen. A male, quiet muscular and had aged well, showed. His dark hair still in cut in a weird haircut. His eyes glowed when he was given the ball to serve.
  "Kageyama Tobio?" Akihiko asked, "Yeah. He's like almost 40, but still in perfect condition."
  "We...should go and watch him live sometime." Osamu/Okiteru suggested.

  "Do you think," (Y/N)/Hana spoke, but it was obvious that it was the (Y/N) part of her that spoke, "that our children..from our past lives..are still alive?"
  Osamu/Okiteru inhaled sharply, unprepared for the question. "Yeah."

After a quick search online, they found that they do live and are actually pretty successful in life.

"Wait, you're telling me that my twin brother and my child from my past life have the same name?" Osamu/Okiteru blinked.

"Well..Akihiko..our child, is also a famous volleyball player even if he's only a first year in university. That's what your brother wants too, right?" (Y/N)/Hana points out. "And Asami also plays professional volleyball. I think we should go to one of their games. We did pass away before we could see them play professionally."
"According to this website, both of them are in happy relationships." Osamu/Okiteru showed his phone to her. "I couldn't be prouder, even if they aren't biologically my kids anymore."

The two sighed, the memories of Miya Osamu and (L/N) (Y/N) felt like a burden to have but it brought the two closer together, and they didn't mind that.
Sometimes they would mix up memories, confusing their friends..well Okiteru would confuse his friends. On the other hand, the memories helped. When Okiteru played volleyball, he moved just as he would as Miya Osamu. His skill increased dramatically, leaving many people wondering how he did so.

After checking her bank account, (Y/N)/Hana decided to purchase tickets to both Miyas upcoming matches. Osamu/Okiteru tried to let her let him pay, but she wouldn't budge.

- - -

  Miya Akihiko was known for a lot of things. Star volleyball player. Son of the legendary Miya Osamu and Miya-(L/N) (Y/N). What he wasn't known for was seeing things.

  When he looked at the stands, he found his sister, his niece, his brother-in-law, his wife, all family members. He had to rub his eyes when he saw two different people.

  They looked exactly like his mother and father, who died years ago.

  "Akihiko, you good?" One of his teammates asked.
  The male nodded, looking away then back up. The two people were looking at him. He blinked tears away before going to warm up.


  The game had ended with his team winning in straight sets. Afterwards, his family came to greet him in the commons of the stadium the match was being held in. That's when he spotted them. The two people who looked exactly like his decreased parents.

  Excusing himself from his family, he approached the two carefully. "Hey, uhm.." he had cleared his throat, "I'm Miya Akihiko. I couldn't help but notice you two in the crowd."
  "I'm Kichi Hana!" The look alike of his mother said, "and this is Misa Okiteru."

  Misa Okiteru. Kichi Hana. Maybe it's just some coincidence.

  "You were amazing in that match," Okiteru complimented. "You know, if you snap your wrist a little more the spike would be harder to block. It would be almost like a straight down."
  "You could waterfall it as well when you do so." Hana chipped in.

  Akihiko blinked. "Thank you for the advice. Have any more?"

  "Yup," the two said at the same time. "If you can't rebuild, go back to square one. Tear it down and start over."


  Akihiko's mouth hung open, eyes widened. He shook out of it when the two said they had to leave.

  "I can't wait to see you in future matches, Miya Akihiko!" Hana called.
  Okiteru waved, "See you around, Squirt."

  Akihiko walked back to his family, slightly pale.
  "What's up, Ak?" Asami asked, "you look like you've seen a ghost."
  "If you can't rebuild, go back to square one. Tear it down  and start over." He said in a low whisper, barely audible.
  "Why are you quoting Mom and Dad?"
  Akihiko swallowed, blinking a few times, "I think I just met Mom and Dad."
  "That's impossible, they died years ago."

  "Not as Miya Osamu and Miya-(L/N) (Y/N), but as two different people." Akihiko tried to explain, "he called me squirt! No one has called me that since Dad died. And, they look exactly like Mom and Dad!"

  "I think someone is seeing things."
  "Am not, Asami. You'll see! They somehow came back to life as someone else, remembered us, and came back to see us!"
  Asami sighed, "You're trying to tell me that our parents reincarnated. Ak, reincarnation isn't real."
  "But it is!" Akihiko exclaimed, "Mom and Dad were just here!"

- - -

  Late at night, Miya Akihiko sat at his desk with a computer out. He had typed 'Misa Okiteru' into the search bar. Dozens of things came up, his social medias and a few articles.

  "Rising Volleyball Star at Inarizaki High!" The article sounded interesting. He clicked on it. Immediately a picture of the male he saw today appeared. He was in the air, his arm in motion to hit the ball that was set to him. A black jersey was worn, the bright white number eleven was printed on front.

  Misa Okiteru looked and played like Miya Osamu, even the article had compared the two players.

  Clearing the search bar, he typed in 'Kichi Hana.' Not much appeared. A few of her social medias account and a few articles about her academics. Clicking the image option, he saw millions of pictures show of the same girl. She looked exactly like his mom.

  He sighed, turning his computer off and joined his wife in bed. He laid awake, staring at the ceiling. They definitely tipped me about them being..them. No one has ever said that quote but them.

  Kichi Hana and Misa Okiteru have to be my parents..but how?..

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