Chapter 3

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His eyes were wide, and his frame seemed smaller than you remember, like he was trying to curl in on himself and disappear. You pushed against his mind to see what was wrong, why his beautifully freckled face was twisted in pain and sadness. You didn't have to push very hard, he let you in without hesitation, and you saw a flash of a lightsaber, a green lightsaber. In the next moment your eyes widened in horror of what you saw.. It was your Master, standing over Ben's bed, with his saber ignited and raised, like he was about to strike. Tears started falling from your face; feelings of betrayal you felt from Ben were overwhelming. You gasped for air, trying to hold back a sob. Your mentor, the only person you really truly trusted, had just attempted to kill Ben.

Ben Solo was of course a jack ass, an asshole, and a huge pain in your ass, but not worth killing. Not by a long shot, you looked up into his eyes and saw all the pain inside him. Feeling so alone and helpless in a life that he couldn't control, wanting so badly to grasp onto anything and everything to keep him standing.

You let out a sob and put your other hand on the other side of his cheek, and pressed his forehead to yours.

"I'm sorry Ben, I'm so so sorry." You sobbed, also feeling some sort of betrayal. You would never be able to look at Master Skywalker the same way again. "How could he do this to Ben!? And for what?" He wiped away your tears with one of his big strong fingers, resting his hand on the side of your neck and rubbing his thumb back and forth against your skin.

He was comforting you, he had just almost been killed by his uncle and he was comforting you instead. So many thoughts raced through your head, screaming a thousand questions.

"What could Ben have possibly done to deserve this?"

"Ben trusted you to keep him safe, and show him the way, and this is what he gets?

"He looked up to you and you destroyed it"

'You destroyed everything!"

You felt the fire igniting in your heart and setting your skin on fire, you were past the point of heartbroken, you were furious. You looked at Ben again and realized he had stopped crying, the tears dried on his cheeks staining his pale skin. He looked at you so intently, like he already knew what you were thinking, he had thought the same exact thoughts.

You nearly jumped out of your skin when he spoke, realizing he hadn't spoken since he had stepped foot into your room. He uttered three words, three words that changed everything.

"Come with me." He whispered barely audible and broken by his breathing. Your breath caught in your throat, go with him your mind repeated, trying to understand what the hell was going on. You knew what he meant, but you needed to hear it from him.

"What? Go with you where?"

"Away from here, to train and get stronger, stronger than we could ever get here. Learn more than we could ever even dream of learning under Skywalker."

He spit out his uncle's last name like it was the dirt under his shoe, you couldn't blame him. The hatred he felt for his uncle, the academy, everything would remind him of this night; of what happened. Your heart ached as you weighed the gravity of what he was asking you. You knew there wasn't another Jedi Academy anywhere in the galaxy, and then you understood. You understood the voice that you were hearing during your meditation and during your dreams. He had been talking to Ben too, trying to push him to the dark side. And this was just the push that Ben needed to let go of everything, let go of the life that he was supposed to live.

Then you realized that Ben wasn't asking you to come with him, he was begging you. Begging you to start a new chapter together and create something entirely your own, with the only other person in the galaxy he trusted. You could leave with him you thought, your heart could follow him wherever he went.

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