Chapter 5

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***AUTHORS NOTE: Hello friends! I know I usually put one of these at the end, but I just want to preface a few things first. The first thing being is that I have brought BB-8 into the story in this chapter, and I reference BB-8  as a girl. That is just personal preference, I personally think BB-8 resembles female qualities even though I know droids technically don't have a gender. I promise I'm not ignorant, i'm non binary. I just really see BB-8 as a girl *sweats* ALSO this chapter is super mega long, I started writing and I just couldn't stop. Soooooo without further adieu... Enjoy :)***

You woke up the next morning with a post fuck glow on your skin, you nuzzled your head more into Wes's neck, just enjoying his warmth until the last possible second. You stretched your legs out and crunched your toes together, trying to deepen your stretch and wake up your body more. Your eyes fluttered open and looked up at Wes; he had probably already been awake for a while. You on the other hand, are not a morning person; if you had the option to be nocturnal you would definitely take it. His eyes were deep in thought while his nose was in a book, and his bottom lip was encompassed by his top teeth. He often did this while he read, chewing on his bottom lip while he got lost in a book. You liked him the best like this, it made him look younger, like all the hard ship the two of you experienced had disappeared from his face.

He smiled a big smile, his lips slowly thinning over his teeth, "Good morning baby." He took this time to flip the page in his book and guided his hand to your back and lightly traced your spine with his fingertips. You took his chin in your fingers and slowly pushed yourself up to meet your lips with his.

"Morning Wes," you smiled into his kiss, letting the sunshine that is your boyfriend consume you. You pushed off of him and looked across the room to the mirror that was directly in front of your bed and gazed at yourself. Your lips were still lightly pink and swollen from last night's activities, and your hair was a rat's nest on top of your head. You grumbled to yourself, and looked back at Wes, he stared at you like you were a gift from the gods. "What, are you gonna make fun of my hair, Lennox?" you pointed to the tangled mess that was the current state of your hair. He chuckled, "You're cute, and what I'm not allowed to look at you, my BEAUTIFUL girlfriend? I think I at least have that right don't I?" He raised his eyebrows at you expecting an answer, you rolled your eyes at him and looked away. You still haven't gotten used to this, how nice and loving he was towards you, you can't let go of the feeling that you don't deserve it.

"What you don't believe me? Let me show you, I have a ton of reliable sources" he took you into a kiss and you giggled against his mouth. "Source one are these lips", he brushed them lightly with his. "Your shoulders", kissing both of your shoulders, sending a shiver down your spine. "These hands of yours", scooping your hands in his placing tiny kisses on the fronts and backs of your hands. His touch made you cave, making you more uncomfortable than before, truly unable to see what he sees.

"Alright alright, I believe you is that what you want to hear?" you smiled at him and grabbed his face in your hands. "Are you satisfied with yourself Wesley?!" He looked up at the ceiling for a moment with his finger touching the bottom of his chin, "Hmmmmm not quite yet." He pushed himself on top of you and crashed his lips into yours as he ran his hands up and down your arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

You let him pick you up like that, taking the both of you to the bathroom to get ready for the day. You had a bit of training to do before you did your other duties on the resistance base. While he took a shower you brushed your teeth and picked out your training clothes for the day, once he was out you got into the shower yourself. The bathroom door opened and Wes was smiling, "Someone's here to see you babe!" He pushed the door open and in walks the baddest bitch you know, your best friend, Paige Tico.

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