Chapter 4

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***AUTHORS NOTE: This chapter contains smut, vanilla smut, but smut nonetheless. You have been warned. ;)***

*7 Years Later*

(If you didn't read that it the SpongeBob voice did you even read it?)

You were back on the planet the former Jedi Academy was on, you were on the edge of some rocks near the clearing where Wes had taken you after he saved you that night. You turned around to hear dozens of voices screaming your name, screaming for you to help them. It made your blood run ice cold and a cold sweat start to form on the back of your neck.

Without hesitation you started running, your feet only carrying you to the sound of all the voices in agony.  You stopped once you saw the burning pile of ash and rubble that was your former home, it felt as though your chest was going to cave in on itself. It had been 7 years since the destruction of the Jedi Academy, and yet in this moment it was like it happened yesterday. You ran around and looked under all the rubble searching for life, searching for anyone you could save. But the screaming voices just got louder and louder, begging and pleading for help.

You let out some small cries, feeling so helpless as the screams started to drown you. Your knees buckled and you hit the ground hard, knocking the breath out of your chest. You covered your ears, trying to drown out all the screaming, begging for their lives in the ash and ember that engulfed the academy. You began screaming, tears streaming down your face, endless apologies blurted out of your mouth. You started rocking back and forth, your hands still over your ears, trying to block out all the noise, block out all the guilt you felt.

"You didn't save them, you let Wes take you away, and they needed you. You could have helped them."  Those were the thoughts that consumed you as you sat there, on the ground with your hands covering your ears. Then you heard a familiar voice, like a whisper, comforting you like a blanket over your trembling body.

"It's okay baby, I'm here, it isn't real, and you're safe. You're here with me Wes, in our quarters on D'Qar, were with the resistance now. Sweetheart please come back to me, everything is okay, you're safe in our bed, just dreaming my love. You're just dreaming."

The images of your flaming former home started to disappear and your eyes started to flutter. You looked at Wes through wide eyes and you whimpered and tugged at his shirt. He was cradling you in his arms as you cried softly into his shirt, much like you had that night when the Academy went up in flames. When Ben fucking Solo left and destroyed almost everything you held dear. You looked up at him and gave him a faint smile, hoping it was enough to convince him that you were okay and that he could go back to bed.

But he knew you better than that; he probably knew you better than you even knew yourself. He started to brush your tears away with his big soft hands and then cradled your cheek so soft and gentle; afraid that you would crumble under his touch. Your heartbeat started to even out and your sobs turned into shaky breaths. This was your new normal; you had nightmares about that night at least once or twice a week if not more since it had happened.

"I was back there Wes, at the academy, and I heard the-"

Your voice got caught in your throat; you went every day feeling so guilty, for not saving everyone that was there. You felt so helpless even now, the nightmares reminded you of how small you felt then.  You hated that feeling, you had trained too hard at this point to continue to feel this weak and insignificant. Wes searching your mind with the force and quickly shut down those thoughts.

"No angel, you are a warrior and a survivor. Don't let those thoughts make you forget who you are and what you stand for. You are one of the most powerful Jedi's in the galaxy; you could take down whole first order armies with the flick of your wrist." He kept placing light kisses to your forehead and cheeks, and lazily drew circles on your back.

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