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A/N: Once again I'm not from Australia and I wasn't capable of watching the voice kids either so please excuse any errors or wrong information. ~Olivia x

Olivia's POV

        "Olivia! Olivia! OLIVIA!" I heard my obnoxious brother yell into my ear and I immediately punched at the air hoping to hit his face, but sadly I missed.

"Go away, Ethan." I groaned.

"Not until you wake up."

Why wasn't I an only child? Why couldn't I have a normal brother? Instead, I'm stuck with Ethan giving me headaches all day.

To all of you who are confused, Ethan is my twin brother, but he's 5 minutes older than me which is a total bummer because that means he has the right to boss me around.

"Come on, Olivia. It's the finale of the voice kids!"

"Why would you want to watch the show that you lost in?"

"Because I made friends there and I want to see who wins... duh." he said and I finally got up because I knew he wouldn't leave until I watched that stupid show with him.

I scooted to the side a bit so that we could both fit on my rather tiny bed and he sat down beside me, grabbing the remote, and turning on the TV that I had in my room. Ironically, it was already on the channel that the voice kids was on and it looked like it was just about to start.

It wasn't long before I drifted off into my own pointless thoughts and once Ethan snapped me back into reality, there was a guy on TV wearing a red jacket with white stripes. He was also holding a guitar and I found him quite attractive.

"Woah! Who is that?" I asked, suddenly gaining interest in the show for as long as his performance lasted.

"Him? That's Chris. He was like, one of my best friends on the show. I really hope he wins." Ethan said, flashing me a nervous look. "Why? Do you like him?"

The question caught me completely off guard. Of course, I didn't like him. You know, sometimes I wonder how stupid Ethan actually is.

"No! Of course not! He's just cute. That's all." I replied, smacking him on the arm. "Besides, he looks like a jerk."

"Well, he can be pretty vain at times, but once you get past that he's a really cool guy."

After about a few more minutes of watching a few more performances the three coaches were ready to kick some people out of the show. And by that I mean, they were deciding who to eliminate. If I were them, I would have a really difficult time choosing. But all 6 of the finalists made it pretty clear, who had reached their limit and who had a little more potential to be in the top 3 and to me, Chris wasn't part of that. And just as I had guessed, he was one of the 3 who were eliminated.

I looked over at Ethan and he was practically bawling his eyes out. Okay. Fine. I'm exaggerating a little bit, but he did look really upset.

"I really thought Chris would make it."

"Against Maddison, Bella, and Alexa? Ethan, let's be real here. He didn't stand a chance against any of them. He's really good, but he's not that good." I said, trying to be realistic.

Another very long commercial break came on and as a result of boredom, Ethan and I had made a bet. We had to guess which one of the three girls would win. I went for Alexa and he went for Bella. If he won, I would have to clean his room for a whole month. It doesn't sound that bad, but trust me, it is! If I won, on the other hand, he'll have to take me on the voice kids tour thing with him.

"And the winner of the very first the voice kids is...." Ethan and I were at the edge of our seats at the time, waiting to see who would win our little bet.

"It's so gonna be Bella. I can tell."

"And what makes you so sure about that?"

"Come on, Olivia. Let's be real here. It's a 10 year old versus a 12 year old."

"Age doesn't defy anything. And you underestimate Alexa too much. Just remember that she made it further than you." I shot back and he winced at my words.

"That hurt, sis."

The whole thing seemed to be going in slow motion as we waited for the guy to announce the very first winner of the voice kids.

"And the winner is.......... Alexa!" At that moment, streamers went flying everywhere as Delta came racing to the stage to take a picture with the champion from her team.

"I told you! Now you have to take me on tour with you! Yes! Ethan is a loser! Ethan is a loser!" I said, jumping on my bed as he pulled his beanie even lower so that it was already covering more than half of his face.

"Will you just shut up first!" I did as I was told and he pulled his beanie off of his head, revealing nothing short of a mess of hair on his head. "I'm not even sure if I can take you."

"But I won so you have to. Go call them up and ask if you can take your awesome sister with you."

"Fine. I'll call them now... and I'm way more awesome than you, by the way."

"Whatever you say, bro."

After about 25 minutes, Ethan wandered back into my room with a half- annoyed half- excited look on his face.

"So what did they say?" I asked, but already knowing the answer.

"They said it's okay if you come."

"Yes! When are we leaving?"

"Two weeks from now."

I still had plenty of time to pack, so I decided to put that task on hold until, at least, three days before we leave.

"Don't embarrass me, okay?" he said.

"Yeah, sure. Try not to embarrass yourself first."

We laughed it out for a few minutes then things got serious again.

"And promise me that you won't fall in love with anyone while on tour." he said. At first, I thought that it was a joke. Me? Fall in love? Never happening. But then I realized who he was talking about and I decided to just play along and give him a serious answer.

"I promise."

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