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Olivia's POV

        I was actually having a pretty good sleep in the hotel we were staying at, but a knock on the door interrupted my peaceful slumber.

I got up lazily and stumbled to the door. When I opened it I saw Chris standing out in the hallway in his pajamas, which consisted of some sweatpants and a red t-shirt.

"What do you want, Chris?" I asked, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes.

"Are you ready for another late night?"

"It's three in the morning and what on earth are you talking about?"

"There's a nice park nearby and the Sydney sunrise is usually beautiful."

"Are you asking me out?" I asked and he looked away.


"Okay, I'll go change-"

"You don't have to. You look perfect," he said and I looked down at my similar attire. Sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Before I could even protest, he grabbed my hand and we raced down the hallway, both of us in just our pajamas and slippers.

"You've gone absolutely crazy!" I said as we got into the elevator.

"Absolutely crazy for you."

My heart fluttered at his words and I could tell by the reddish tint on his cheeks that he didn't mean to say that, that it had just slipped out.

We reached the lobby and the receptionist looked at us like we were insane, which we most probably were.

We raced out of the hotel and turned a few corners and there was the park. It was quite small, but it was beautiful. The outside was surrounded by bushes that had white flowers poking out of them and the path was lined with lamp posts.

Chris and I slowed down to a walk, until we were at the entrance of the park.

He pulled a flower out of a bush and looked at me.

"It's so pretty," I said, admiring the flower in his hands.

"Not as pretty as you."

He gently brushed the bangs out of my face and slid the flower behind my ear. Then he reached for my hand again and we started walking into the park.

"So, what do we do here?" I asked, looking up at him and he looked down at me.

"Whatever you want. We could walk, or talk, or just lie down on the grass," he replied. "Because here it's just us and nothing else."

I've fallen so hard for this boy in only a matter of three days, but I wonder if he loved me just as much.



"I heard you talking to Ethan in that hotel in Penrith. I was sneaking around and I sort of overheard your conversation," I said as we went to sit down by a tree in the middle of the park, overlooking the eastern part of the sky where the sun was supposed to rise.

"And what exactly did you hear us talking about?"

"I heard him make you promise that you wouldn't fall in love with me. Then, you said that its wasn't a problem."

"I broke that promise even before I made it."

"What?" I asked, trying to make things clear.

"I said that I broke my promise."

He shifted a little so now his upper half was facing me and he was staring at me intently, as if he was looking at a diamond. It made me feel special.

"You love me?" I asked and he nodded, sheepishly. "You broke your promise."

This is exactly what Ethan had feared.

"D-do you love me?" he asked, nervously.

I looked at him and smiled as he anxiously waited for an answer.

"Well, I broke my promise," I said and he smiled wide, before pulling me into a big hug. I dug my face into his chest and he dug his in the crook of my neck.

"What are we gonna tell Ethan?" I asked, although it was muffled.

"That doesn't matter right now."

"It'll matter in a couple of hours," I pointed out. I didn't want to sound like a killjoy, but sometimes it's necessary.

"Olivia..." he trailed off, shaking his head.

"Chris. I'm serious."

"I am too."

He looked at me dead in the eye and the next thing I knew, his forehead was on mine and the tips of our noses were touching.

"Forget about Ethan just until the sunrise, please," he pleaded, before placing his lips on mine. I couldn't describe it in words. Even 'perfect' was an understatement because it didn't even begin to describe how the kiss was, but I guess that 'perfect' will do for now.

As we pulled away from each other, we looked up at the horizon to see a faint glimmer of gold, lighting up the dark.

"Just until the sunrise..." I repeated his words.

I watched the sun rise as it seemed to be emerging from the earth, but Chris was watching something else.

"Chris. You're missing out on the beauty."

"I'm pretty sure that I'm staring at it right in the face," he said and I looked at him, noticing how his eyes lit up when I looked his way.

"Well, wherever you're looking, there's nothing to see."

"It's tragic that you can't see what I can."

"It's tragic to think you can see something that isn't there," I shot back and he laughed, lightly.

"I'll make sure that you see it someday, but as of right now, I'm keeping the view all to myself."

"Dork," I said, trying to hit his arm, but he dodged and put it around me so he could pull me closer.

The sun had rose nearly all the way and Chris and I were about to kiss once again, but something or someone interrupted us.

"There you guys are!" I heard Bella yell, although it was pretty far away and nothing could stop Chris from pressing his lips to mine once more. "Hey- wait what?"

We pulled away and looked up at her confused face.

"We just wanted to watch the sunrise," I spoke up and Chris nodded along.

"Are you sure that's the only thing you were doing out here?"

"Pretty sure."

Chris stood up, then took hold of my hand as he pulled me up and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm not gonna tell Ethan about what I just saw. Don't worry."

"But he already knows," I said, chewing on my nails. Finally my nerves have returned and I could already hear what Ethan had to say about our escape.

"What do you mean he knows?"

"He's my twin brother and you've got to believe me when I say that he already knows."


A/N: well here it is. it was supposed to be really exciting and it was supposed to make your heart explode but i sorta got lost haha sorry. anyways, expect a lot of yelling in the next chapter lol ~Olivia x


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