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Olivia's POV

        All of us were choosing the seats that we wanted to stay in for the 2 hours it took to get to Newcastle from Penrith and even after our little prank earlier this morning, everyone seemed more than surprised when I chose to sit beside Chris.

He pulled his camera from his bag and started filming as everyone settled into their seats and the bus started moving. He just filmed us waving to the camera one-by-one and he pointed it at both of us as we waved at it and then he put it down.

The sleep that I had missed last night had caught up with me and I felt extremely sleepy and I'm guessing, so did Chris because his eyes were only half open.

"I'm tired," I whispered and he placed his hand on the side of my head, then pushed it down, gently, so now my head was  resting on his shoulder.

"Go sleep. It's a pretty long ride," he said, yawning.


"Look how cute they are!" I heard Maddison squeal and a few cameras snap pictures.

"No they are not," I heard Ethan snap.

I tried lifting my head, but something was weighing it down and I later found out that that something was Chris' head, resting on mine. My head was still perfectly balanced on his shoulder and I was snuggled up to his side, obviously too comfortable to ever want to move and also because his arm was around me. I was trapped as I felt everyone crowding around us, but I kept my eyes closed.

"Hey! Wake up!" Ethan yelled at us and we both opened our eyes, clearly wide awake now. We were still in the same position as we saw everyone hovering over us with their phones in hand and Ethan was all red in the face.

I was finally able to lift my head off of Chris' shoulder and he loosened his grip on my waist, but didn't entirely let go.

"Are we in Newcastle already?" he asked.

"We arrived like 10 minutes ago, but you two lovebirds clearly needed some beauty sleep and we decided to hang around for a bit," Bella said, showing us all the photos that she took of us sleeping. I had to admit that we did look a bit cute together and I looked up to see Chris smiling as his cheeks turned red and I guess he thought that same.

"Don't call them lovebirds," Ethan said, harshly.

I wiggled out of Chris' grasp and offered him my hand so that he could stand up and he put his shades on.

"Well, come on. Let's explore the place," I said and everyone grabbed their stuff from their seats and we walked inside.

And of course, as soon as we stepped foot inside, Chris whipped out his camera and started filming Ethan and noticed him trying to calm down from his little outburst in the bus.

"We're in Newcastle," Ethan said, simply.

"Sweet," Chris replied.

"And I'm feeling good."

We walked onto the stage area and Ethan immediately ran up to Ruhi and asked if he could teach him his little dance. And Chris filmed my brother making a complete fool out of himself.


It was Ethan's turn to perform and I watched him from backstage. Chris was beside me again, filming everything. 

"You're proud of him, aren't you?" he asked, quietly.

"I'm so proud."

Suddenly, Robbie ran backstage and came back with a pretty girl in a red dress.

"This is Ethan," Robbie said, as Ethan pulled the girl into the hug and everyone in the audience screamed and cheered.

The girl looked so happy and she was close to tears as Ethan talked to her, both of their backs facing the audience, while Harrison and Robbie kept the crowd going.

After that, the performance went on.

Maddison. Harrison. Bella. Alexa. Robbie. And...

"Hey, it's my turn to sing. Do you think you can record my performance for me?" Chris asked, obviously in a hurry to get onstage as someone tossed him a microphone.

"Yeah sure."

"Just press that button over the-"

"I know how to use a camera, Chris," I said, rolling my eyes then laughing as I took the camera from him.

"Thanks," he replied, giving me a million dollar smile and running onto the stage.

And as he got to the middle of the stage he blew a kiss in my direction and I wasn't sure if it was meant for me or the camera, but the crowd went wild at his little action. Then he started singing.

Amidst recording Chris' performance, Ethan appeared next to me and grabbed the camera.

"I was filming for Chris!"

"I'm pretty sure he has enough footage for his video," he replied, turning off the camera.

"What's your problem, Ethan?"

"What makes you think I have a problem?"

"Well, you've been in a sour mood ever since this tour started and you always get extra cranky whenever I'm with Chris. I get that you're just trying to protect me, but don't you think that this is a little too much?"

"I just don't want anyone to hurt you."

"Chris and I are just friends. We aren't dating. We never will date. He isn't going to hurt me, Ethan."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that, sis."

"What do you mean?"

"Just please keep your promise."

"And what if I don't?" I asked, I was sick and tired of this topic and I just wanted to move on. And what if I did fall in love with Chris? So what? It's my life, but apparently it's Ethan's business too.

"I'll make sure you will."


A/N: triple update and still no one cares about this story, but i love it and i'm gonna keep writing anyway. i'm trying my best to base the entire story on chris' video diaries so without those two videos this fanfic would probably be crappy and unrealistic. not to mention that all of the places would've been wrong. i've never even been to australia and i'm writing a story that takes place there. what is wrong with me? ~Olivia x

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