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Olivia's POV

        Another night and that meant another hotel. We were to have the same room mates and we all got our room keys from Mike.

"Chris. Olivia. I heard about your antics from last night and I hope that they won't be repeated," he said, although not sternly. He seemed to find it funny as he tried to stifle his laugh.

"No promises," Chris replied and we took the elevator four at a time. 

The first batch consisted of Robbie, Ruhi, Bella, and Maddison. Then the second batch was Alexa, Ethan, Chris and I.

"I am so psyched for the Sydney show tomorrow. I mean, it's my hometown," Chris said to me and I could feel Ethan's gaze on us as I smiled at Chris' excitement.

"I'm sure it's gonna be amazing."

We arrived at our floor after a few minutes and our rooms were just across from each other. And down the hall we saw Maddison fumbling with the key card as Bella watched her, bouncing her leg, impatiently.

"Need help?" Ethan asked as he began walking towards them and Alexa had already gone into our room, leaving Chris and I alone.

"Ethan's being really protective over you, huh?" Chris asked, playing with the handle of his suitcase.

"Yeah. It's seriously driving me insane."

"I heard you guys arguing backstage about a promise that you made..." he trailed off, deciding whether he should carry on or just stop right there. "Just do what you think is right for you."

"What does that even mean? What are you talking about, Chris?"

"Goodnight," he said, ignoring my questions and pulling me into a hug. We've only ever hugged once before, but this hug felt really different from the one that we had shared last night. This one didn't seem at all friendly. And this one made my heart flutter and made shivers run down my spine. Finally, this hug was torn apart by none other than my twin brother, Ethan Karpathy.

"What did I tell the both of you?!" he asked, angrily. Although it was a rhetorical question, we answered anyway.

"To not fall in love." we said at the exact same time and Ethan was practically shaking from rage.

"Exactly!" he exclaimed, messing up his hair. "Olivia. Go to your room right now!"

"Calm down, Ethan. You sound like mum!" I yelled, my cheeks turning red. Then I opened the door to my room and slammed it behind me, obviously surprising Alexa. Then I slid down the door until I was sitting on the floor and hugging my knees.

"What happened? I heard Ethan yelling."

"Remember that question you asked me last night? About me liking Chris?" I asked, as she crouched down beside me on the floor.

"Yeah. Why?"

"I lied."

Chris' POV

        "I can't believe you!" Ethan said as we finally went inside our room and he could finally let out everything that he wanted to say without any restraint.

"What is it now, Ethan?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Chris," he spat, my name probably poison in his mouth.

"It was just another hug. So what?"

"I thought you understood when I said you aren't allowed to hug her," he replied.

"Ethan, you can't be ser-"

"And I'm not stupid Chris. That hug was more than just friendly."

"Look, I-"

"Chris, you made a promise," he said, plopping down next to me on the bed and I was scared that he would either punch me or slap me, but thankfully, that didn't happen.

"But Eth-"

"Chris. You promised," he said, loudly, trying to make a point that I made a promise that I probably couldn't keep. "Don't break that promise, okay?"

I wanted to say no. I wanted to say that I've already broken my promise long before I even made it. I wanted to say that I was already falling in love with his sister. Although, at the same time, I didn't want to say anything.


Back to Olivia's POV

        I was still seated on the floor, but this time I was by my bed. Alexa had gone to sleep long ago and the only thing you could hear were her silent snores every now and then. I was terrified. Terrified of my own feelings.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door and my breath hitched in my throat. I glanced at the digital clock that they had on the nightstand and it read 1:34 am. Who would decide to pay a visit to my hotel room at this hour?

"Olivia? It's Ethan. Sis, open the door," Ethan half-yelled, but I didn't want to get up.

"Go away, Ethan!"

"If you don't open the door I'll let myself in."

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

No answer. Instead, I heard a faint beep and the soft sound of footsteps thudding along the carpet.

"You left the key card in the door," he said, then laughed as I mentally face palmed myself for being so careless. 

"I said go away!"

"We need to talk," he said, completely ignoring what I had just said.

"What part of 'go away' do you not understand?"

"So, I've noticed that you and Chris have become pretty good friends over the span of a few hours, but I also noticed that over the span of a day you guys turned into friends... with feelings," he said, slowly.

"Friends with feelings? Have you gone insane? Why on earth would I feel that way towards Chris?" I asked, trying to convince him that I definitely do not have a crush on one of his best friends.

"I can see it in both of your eyes. The way that you've been looking at each other ever since last night. It's different."

"What are you talking about? Just because we've decided to be friends doesn't mean that we like each other now."

I peered over Ethan's shoulders and noticed that Alexa had woken up and was now listening in on our conversation and I'm glad that she didn't decide to speak up about what I had confessed earlier.

"Please don't break your promise. Please don't fall in love," Ethan pleaded and I found it difficult to look into his eyes, which pretty much gave away what I had been trying to keep secret.

"I promise," I replied, finally giving up. And I'm pretty sure even Ethan knew that I wasn't capable of keeping it.

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