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Olivia's POV

        When I woke up it was around 2 in the morning and obviously everyone was still asleep at this hour.

A few minutes after I had fallen asleep, I woke up again to change. Which meant, this isn't the first time I've awoken so far tonight, or this morning. 

I was in my pajama bottoms with little penguins on them, I also wore a black hoodie over a tank top, and my hair was a complete mess of light brown tangles, but all in all, I didn't look too bad.

I grabbed my phone to serve as a flashlight and stumbled my way to the door, making sure to stuff the key card and a hairpin in my pocket.

"Where are you going?" Alexa asked, still half-asleep.

"I'm just gonna roam the hallways for a while to tire myself out."

"Okay." And she fell back asleep in no time at all.

I opened the door and crept into the hallway, which was now dimly lit and empty. 

I noticed that there was light shining underneath the door of Ethan and Chris' room and a few minutes later I heard talking.

"You guys hugged! You aren't allowed to hug her, okay?" Ethan said. 

"Calm down, Ethan. It was just a friendly hug." I could hear it in Chris' voice that they had been talking for a while, probably about the same topic, and he was getting tired.

"It didn't look friendly to me."

"That's because you're her big brother and every time some random dude interacts with her you feel the need to protect her and you freak out. It's normal."

"I know that I'm being really protective, but what I don't understand is how fast you guys made up and became friends. Even I could see that she clearly hated you."

"Well..." Chris trailed off, obviously not knowing what to say.

"And I heard your conversation out on the balcony. It sounded like you guys were best friends. And she even blew you a kiss!"

"That was for the camera. I can take that clip out if you want." Chris said and I smiled. At least he was actually being serious about all of this.

"All I'm trying to say is that...."

"What is it?"

"Just don't fall in love with my sister, okay?"

"That's not a problem, Ethan." he replied and I didn't know why nor did I want to know, but I felt my heart sink a little and I was scared about what that meant.

"Good. I'm gonna go sleep now."

"Sure. I'm just gonna roam the halls and see if I get tired."

I heard footsteps walking towards the door and I immediately pretended that I had just rounded the corner.

"Oh. Hey Olivia!" Chris said and I waved as I stuffed my phone in the pocket of my hoodie. "What are you doing out here? It's like 2 am."

"Well, I would ask you the same thing." I replied, walking closer to him.

"I just wasn't tired. But your brother is fast asleep right now."

We roamed around the hallways for an hour or so, until Chris came up with a crazy idea and by crazy I mean stupid.

"Wanna prank the others?" he asked, pulling a can of silly string from behind his back.

"Where did that even come from?"

"I brought like two cans. I love pranking people as you can already tell."

He threw the can at me and pulled another one out. This guy must be some kind of magician.

"This is so weird!" I said, as he dragged me back to where all of our rooms were.

"What's weird?"

"Well, I hated you with every fiber of my being a few hours ago and now we're teaming up to prank the others."

"It is pretty weird, isn't it?" he said, letting go of my wrist. "So, friends?"

"Friends." I agreed, shaking his hand and I felt really tingly as our skin made contact, but I brushed it off.

I grabbed the hairpin from my pocket and clipped my side-bangs away so that I could see clearly and gave Chris a smile.

"So, it's already 4:18 am and we're all supposed to meet in the lobby by 6, which gives us enough time to spray them with these and for them to clean up."

"Can we not prank Alexa?"

"Why not?"

"Because she 10, and she's tired, and you guys haven't really been the nicest to her lately."

"Okay, fine... So, who first?"

We thought about who to prank first and then we looked at each other with a glint of mischief in our eyes.

"Ethan." we said, simultaneously.

Chris pulled out the card to the room he shared with my brother and the pranking had begun.

I jumped on his bed and sprayed some of the silly string at his face as he jerked awake.

"What- the hell- are- you two doing!?!" he said as some of it made its way to his mouth while he spoke.

We sprayed him until he was about half-buried in it then we decided to move on to someone else.

Chris knocked on the door of Bella and Maddison's room as I hid behind him and Bella was the one who opened the door.

"Chris? Why are you awake?" Bella asked, sleepily.

"Well, it's just that..." And that's when I jumped up from behind him and sprayed Bella with the silly string as Chris ran inside to get Maddison. 

Their screams filled the air and no later, Robbie and Ruhi had joined in.

"What in the bloody hell is going on here?" Robbie asked, and I sprayed him as he stumbled backwards and fell then I continued to spray Bella as Chris was trying to run away from Maddison and spray Ruhi at the same time. And at that moment both of us ran out of silly string.

"Good morning, everyone!" Chris chirped and they all gave us the evil eye.

"Guys! Chris and Olivia are pra- Oh." Ethan said, emerging from his room with damp hair and a new change of clothes. He must've showered already.

"Not cool, dudes." Ruhi said as he and Robbie went back into their room to clean up.

"This is going to take forever to get out of my hair." Maddison whined and Bella followed her back into their room.

"Hey guys! Can you tell the others that we're leaving in a couple hours and to start getting ready." the tour manager, whom I know knew was named Mike, instructed us and we all looked at each other and laughed.

"We've already taken care of that. Don't worry."


A/N: double update! yay! it's not like anyone reads this anyway ahaha sigh. i should've said this in the first chapter but yes, i named the lead girl after me bc i have my needs too ahahaha. well, i hope you're enjoying this bc i'm really trying my best to get all the facts and details right and I know that i'm failing at that and sorry if it sucks. i'll shut up now. okay, bye. ~Olivia x

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