Breath of Heaven and Earth

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Time kept passing, and rumors about an intellectual prodigy spread through the Balvan family.

"I heard he was able to talk fluently only one year and a half after he was born"

"I heard that kid started running around every morning before breakfast only three months after he learnt to stand up."

"You won't believe me, but I personally saw that kid going alone in the library of the guests building trying to pull books out of the shelves. Believe me, I was doing the cleaning service there at that time, and I found him looking at the symbols on the book as if he could read. And he was only two at that time!"

"That's impossible, his mother requests to get him a teacher got approved two years and a half ago, are you saying that he knew how to read before he even got a teacher?"

"I'm only stating what I saw. I'm not sure he was reading, but he sure looked like he was trying to"

Rumors like these were everywhere in the guests' building, spreading from servant to servant.

Everyone was waiting for the next record the bastard son would break in his growth speed.

Five years had passed since his birth in this world, with him working hard to improve himself and gain a stable foothold in the family.

He kept running every day, adding some light workout to make his still frail body less weak.

That gave him a slim but rosy figure, and he felt his body growing stronger every day.

Yet, even if he was more robust than the average kid, he was still just a kid.

He would only do half an hour per day of training since that was the limit of his young body.

The rest of the day was spent eating large meals made of rice and meat, sleeping, or reading.

Two and a half years ago, he had finally obtained his teacher, so he could stop sneaking out at night, trying to decipher the strange symbols they called writing.

His teacher's name was Li Neregnes. He was one of the scholars hired by the main family to instruct their descendant, and his position in the family was quite high for a guest.

Noah's father, Rhys, accompanied him to the outer ring personally, underlying how much the instruction process should be taken seriously and not as a game.

Apparently, the scholar position was of a higher rank than his in Rhys's eyes, since that was the first time Noah saw his father after his birth.

Li Neregnes was a man in his sixties, with grey hair tied in a ponytail and a short black beard noticeably cured.

He had an apathetic face as if nothing was of his interest and explained things in a slow but concise manner.

Yet, even this lofty character had to change his disposition toward Noah when he found out that he learnt how to read in less than six months of teaching.

After that, he would finish every book the scholar imparted him in less and less time, and he even had time to rent books of his interest from the library on the ground floor.

The servants were so used to him picking books that they would not even remind him to bring them back.

At the age of five, Noah had a general understanding of the topography near the mansion, of the social status of the Balvan family, and finally, he found something regarding cultivators.

Balvan mansion was situated in the countryside near Evergreen Forest, called like this for the type of trees that forest was made of. The big stone road of the main gate flowed into an even bigger road that led to the nearest big city, Mossgrove, that was ruled by the Shosti family.

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