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"And what happens if they get strong enough to break through the limits of a rank?"

Asked Noah.

They were now running for thirty minutes, and traces of sweat appeared on Noah's face, yet his Master seemed completely fine and continued to explain.

"They evolve, or to put it simply, they hibernate themselves for some time and, when they wake up, they will have a boost in all their natural abilities. Let's say, for example, that a four-eyed wolf of rank 1 was to evolve. Its rank would be 2 cause of its body, but it would also have a rank 1 mental attack which will make it extremely more dangerous than its rank 1 version."

Noah finally had a better understanding of the evolution process of magical beasts and could not help but be a bit envious.

They had just to eat and sleep to get stronger while humans had to train nonstop only to take small steps toward a higher realm.

This time, William took notice of his disciple's expression and smiled a little.

"I know what you are thinking but don't worry, you will see humans advantage when you fight those beasts."

Noah was surprised but did not fully understand his Master's words.

He started to focus his mind on the imminent battle trying to anticipate the worst possible outcome.

They moved for twenty more minutes till they reached a small hill, there William stopped and took a pouch of water from inside his suit.

He passed the sack to Noah and said with a serious face.

"Over this hill, there is the wolf's lair. Their number amounts to fifteen, so you should be careful not to get surrounded. You will go alone while I will be watching closely enough to intervene if something bad happens. Remember all our training, and don't be stingy on using the "Breath" until you have a complete understanding of your strength. Catch your breath a bit and then go, don't worry, you won't be in any danger."

Noah became even more serious in hearing these words.

He took a small sip from the sack and sat cross-legged on the floor to steady his breath.

He looked inside his sea of consciousness, where the faint shape of some lines was forming at the center of the sphere and checked that he was at peak condition.

'Do not hesitate, do not make mistakes. Be wary of your surroundings. Fifteen wolves to go.'

He exhaled with force and then stood up, his mind was ready, and his body felt no fatigue, there was no reason to waste more time.

He unsheathed his sabers and started climbing the hill paying extra attention to anything that got perceived by his senses.

When he reached the top, he could see the wolf's lair at the bottom of the other side of the hill.

The wolves were three meters long and two high, and had four big and sharp eyes and yellow fur.

Ten of them were lying on the ground, seemingly sleeping, while the other five were on guards on the sides of the sleeping group.

A slightly bigger wolf was at the center of the pack, it was probably the alpha one.

'If I charge, I will be completely in the open, there is no way I can catch them by surprise, but there really seems to be no other option. Maybe if I run at full speed going down the hill and using the "Breath", I can land a couple of hits on one of them. Yet will it be enough to kill it? And then what about the other fourteen? Fucking Master, why can't you explain things properly.'

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