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"What is your opinion of him, captain?"

The other man on the window thought for a while and then said:

"If Micky had used a weapon and his full strength, that kid would not have had any chances. Yet, he used his age and appearance to his advantage, using our men as training for the few things he learned in these years. He is calculative, manipulative, fearless of pain, and of great determination. That incident with the dragon ten years ago must have twisted his mind to no small degree. To think that a kid can be so relentless in his greed for power scares me a bit."

Silence ran through the room as the two men kept on staring at the guards in the yard.

That group, in the end, got bored of mocking Micky and agreed on a round of wine to end the day.

"So, what should we do with him, captain?"

"If that guy is left free like this, it's just a matter of time before some major trouble will happen. It's pretty obvious that he will not stop his research for techniques, I just don't know how far he is willing to go."

"So, what should we do, captain?"

The other man repeated.

After working together for so many years, they had a tacit understanding of how their conversations went.

Seeing the captain thinking with his eyes closed, he remained silent, waiting for his orders.

The captain opened his eyes, and with a light sigh, he said:

"We train him."




In the meantime, Noah returned to his quarters and found out that his mother was still closed in her room.

Light moans could be heard if you listened carefully.

He chose to take a bath to wash over the dust from the chores of the day, then he ate an abundant meal and went to sleep.

Around midnight, a servant came to his room to wake him up with a bowl of water.

After sending the servant away, he washed his face and put himself in a cross-legged position on the floor, breathing in a strange but rhythmic way.

Seeing how smoothly the process went, you could see how Noah was used to this process.

His body muscles would bulge from time to time only to return to the standard size with a slight increase of volume.

After about an hour, he woke up from his meditation with traces of sweat on his body.

'The Ice-Fire revolving technique is only a way to strengthen the body through forcibly absorbing yang energy during midday and yin energy during midnight, far from the standard of a cultivator. Plus, my body is now saturated with energy, so my limit is the strength of a fourteen-fifteen years old boy until my body grows up and allows me to absorb more energy.'

Then he stood up and picked a short metal saber from under his bed.

He repeatedly flicked his wrist, making the saber disappear and reappear in another position from a different angle.

After he did this exercise with both his hands for a while, he put the saber back under his bed, laying on it as fell into deep thought.

'The snake-wrist technique is just a trick to surprise your enemies and finish them in one hit, it's not really worth being called a combat technique. Its usage is even limited by the quantity of "Breath" I can hold in my wrists. The other forms that I learned from the guards are either part of a set or are about weapons that I still cannot wield. What should I do now? The guards are wary of me by now, and they won't reveal any kind of information. Do I really have to wait three years before officially applying for the family guards? It's way too slow, especially since I can't make valuable progress in these years.'

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