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The following morning Noah woke up at dawn, the first lights of the day disturbed him.

He got out of bed and was ready to wash his face when he stopped in place.

'I had never been disturbed by the first daylight before!'

He entered his sea of consciousness, focusing on the center of his brain.

When his half-transparent figure opened his eyes, he could see that the level of the sea resumed the original level of half of the sphere.

'So one night of sleep is enough to replenish half of the sea! I will test again late in the afternoon for how long I can endure the training.'

What he didn't know was that since he was a transmigrator, his mind was far stronger than the one of an average kid of his age.

Overall, his mental age was about thirty-five years, and the events of both his lives contributed to strengthening his mind even more, so it could endure looking at the rune for far more time than any young man.

If a ten years old child were to look at the Kesier rune for 4 hours straight, his mind would shatter.

When he neared a bowl of water and washed his face, he shivered a little.

The water seemed colder than usual.

"Why is the water is so cold?"

He asked a passing servant pointing at the bowl.

The servant put her hand on the bowl and looked at Noah with a confused expression.

"The water feels of the same temperature as always, young master. Is it possible that you caught a cold? Do you want me to call the madam?"

Noah was a bit surprised by her answer, but then he thought of something.

'Is it possible that my senses got more sensitive with only one session of training? That shouldn't be so fast, right?'

"No, it's fine, keep going with your work."

He dismissed the maidservant and went to eat breakfast.

'I will ask Master when I see him. Now I should focus on the twin saber style.'

He went back to his room, opened the martial art book, and picked the two sabers.

He did the same thing he used to do whenever a guard would "give" him a martial form or a technique: closing himself in his room and practice until those movements became a habit.

This time though, he found difficulties in managing two sabers at the same time.

'I guess it's really harder to get used to it, as Master said. I can only practice more until I can use these moves in an actual fight.'

Like this, his day passed by.

Noah went out of his room only to get his lunch and spent the dinner reading the Forging of Seven Hells closed in his room.

When he felt that he had digested, it was already night.

He closed his book and took out the Kesier rune from his clothing.

As his most valuable asset, he would always keep it with him.

He stared at the rune sitting on his bed and kept going until the level of the water inside his sea of consciousness dropped below one-fifth of the sphere, then he folded the sheet.

Some retches ran through him, but he suppressed them with his eyes closed until they were gone.

Only then, he looked outside the window to understand how much time he had spent training.

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