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Sounds of iron against rock reverberated in the passage.

Noah opened his eyes and was almost scared by the corpse on his side.

But when the pain from his body arrived, he remembered the situation he was in.

'I have basically no "Breath" left. The one being absorbed by my acupoints is being used to mend my wounds, I believe I won't be able to kill even a rank 1 beast, let alone the remaining rank 2.'

He tried to stand up, pointing with his knees and elbows, but he remained in a crouching position for a while.

The noise from the other spiders was getting closer.

'They are probably attracted from the body of the rank 3. I must get away, come on body, MOVE!'

He managed to stand up holding the wall, he put the Kesier rune back in his clothes and moved slowly to pick his remaining saber.

He limped slowly toward the passage on the left only to find that the sound came from the bottom of it.

'Shit! Don't tell me that I'm going to die even after killing the rank 3!'

He was at a loss of what to do, he needed time to rest, but he had no food or water with him since he left his backpack in the fireplace on the surface.

'Wait! Water! Maybe I can sneak out to the lake while the spiders are busy eating their previous boss.'

He looked in the direction of the blue light and moved toward it.

He was walking at a slow pace and supporting himself on the rocks on the wall. It took him one hour to reach the basin.

The environment there was completely silent, either the spiders were still busy eating the rank 3, or their low intelligence didn't make them realize that now they could use the lakeshore to their will.

Since there were no more walls to sustain him, Noah chose to crawl till the center of the underground room.

'Luckily, they have low intelligence, I believe that if it were a rank 3 four-eyed wolf, the effect of the rune would have not been so decisive.'

He reached the lake and took a mouthful of water to drink.

The water relieved his body from some tiredness and even filled it with a bit of "Breath".

'Right, the Breath blessing! These waters must be filled with "Breath" I can speed my recovery!'

Spiders began to crawl out of the holes in the underground room and move toward him, and at their sight, Noah only smiled faintly.

'Of course, another danger would come after I find a bit of hope.'

He threw himself in the lake and floated toward its center.

'Now that I think about it, it's the first time I'm swimming with this body. Well, even the rank 3 was staying on the shore where the concentration of "Breath" is less than the water, so it's safe to say that they can't swim.'

His hypothesis was right as the spiders would just surround the lake without entering it.

A peculiar scene was unfolding.

A kid wearing a smile was floating on the surface of a lake towards its center while sixty or so spiders were waiting on the shore.

'This feels too good! My body is being nourished at an incredible speed, apart from the wound of my shoulder, the others have mostly stabilized. And the concentration of "Breath" is still rising.'

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