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Noah chose to first sort out the pile of sheets on the left, that having the pile of martial arts.

'Five sheets:

Balvan sword style, a two-handed sword style created by the Balvan family, balanced in both attack and defense, perfect for soldiers. "Breath" will empower the thrust attack, able to shatter rocks. Rank 1;

Phantom saber style, a one-handed saber style made of peculiar moves hard to defend against, good offense and weak defense. "Breath" can make any of the willing body parts disappear to catch your enemy unprepared. Rank 2;

Flow of the sword, a two-handed sword style focused on deflecting your opponent's attack and counterattack at the right time, excellent defense. "Breath" can create a shield of air for some time. Rank 2;

Twin saber style, a one-handed saber style wielding two sabers, focused on speed, can defend and attack at the same time. "Breath" will enhance the perforation ability of the sabers allowing the wielder to cut without the need for the blade to touch. Rank 2;

Iron palm style, a weaponless style that uses hands as a weapon, excellent offense and maneuverability to strike. "Breath" will harden the hands of the user, making them able to stop blades or release a shockwave to hurt the internal organs of the opponent. The hardening of the hands can be permanent with training. Rank 2.'

Noah fell deep in thought.

"Master, why is there a rank on the side of the arts?"

As if expecting the question, William seriously explained:

"The rank represents the potential of the technique when using the "Breath", it basically defines how strong their effect and destructiveness can be. There is a rank for every technique and magic, and there is a rank even for cultivators, but I will explain the cultivator's part once your dantian is formed."

Noah started to think again, looking at the sheets in his hands.

'I guess I can already reject the Balvan sword style since it's rank 1. The iron palm style seems cool, especially for the permanent hardening part, but I became quite familiar with the saber in these years, so I should stick with it.'

After he thought that, only two sheets were left in his hands.

'The Phantom saber style should be where the snake-wrist form came from, so I'm actually advantaged in learning this one, but it feels like it's a killing method against men, will a dragon fell for the invisibility trick?'

Like this, only one sheet remained in Noah's hands.

"I choose the twin saber style as a martial art."

William happily smiled and kept on nodding.

"Good choice, since you need to wield two sabers, it will be a bit harder at the beginning, but you will soon understand that it is a style which fits every situation."

Noah shifted his attention to the group of the body-nourishing methods.

He didn't notice that the smile on William's face had disappeared, being replaced by a worried expression.

'Mh, maybe I expected too much from a group of methods without the need for a dantian. Every technique seems similar to the Ice-Fire revolving one, they just add some peculiarity like more strength or more speed. At least they are all rank 2, so they should be better than my current one.'

He was almost ready to choose a nourishing method that would enhance his speed when he reached the last sheet.

'Rank 3'

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