Chapter 3

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For hours, the sun had done nothing but beat on their backs. The boys were exhausted, dragging their bodies as they moved onto the next exhibit. There was no longer excitement, not even when the tigers came out to play in their dens. Maddox sat on the ground and wiped the sweat off his forehead, swatting away the flys and small bugs that got in his way. When Colton realized that he could no longer soldier on, he did the same and dropped his head in his hands.

"Are you boys ready to go home already?" Queen teased them. She pulled out snacks from her bag and handed each of them one. "Get your energy back because we still have to get out of here."

"I'm so tired, Queen," Maddox complained.

"Understandable." She reached for her phone in her pocket and glared at the black screen. It refused to turn on. She could have sworn that her phone was fully charged when she left her apartment this morning. It must have been the heat that drained her battery. "Uh oh, boys. Looks like I can't call Norris to pick us up."

"Does that mean we can ride the train home?" Colt shot up with excitement and began jumping. "I've always wanted to ride the train home."

She shrugged. She didn't want to disappoint them, but she knew Kyrie wouldn't allow it. His contract had consisted of too many strict rules. "Let's try asking someone to borrow their phone. Do you know your dad's number by heart?"

The two boys stared at each other in confusion.

"We'll work on that," Queen said to herself. She took both of their hands and led them to the side they had entered through.

Norris was nowhere in sight, and even though it had been hours since they'd arrived at the zoo, he hadn't driven by to pick them up.

"Looks like we're taking the train after all."

Maddox and Colt cheered as they walked hand in hand with Queen. The train platform was a short distance away from the zoo, and they'd made it just in time for one that was approaching. Still beaming with joy and excitement, the boys pulled on each other to get onto the train, but before they could take another step, a voice echoed from across the street.

"Queen, stop!" Norris called.

She turned to him. He was running toward them with his cellphone in his hand.

"I found them," he said to whoever he was speaking to. "I'll get them back safely."

Queen pulled the boys away from the train and met Norris at the end of the crosswalk. By the time he'd reached them, the call had ended and he was breathing heavily. "Was that Kyrie?"

Norris nodded. "He's not happy. Let's get you guys home as soon as possible."

"No fair," Maddox murmured disappointedly.

Queen, Colt, and Maddox followed Norris to the car. Once the boys were settled in the back, they dropped their heads on either side of their nanny and closed their eyes. Exhaustion consumed them, and instantly, they drifted off to sleep.

Norris glanced back in the rearview mirror to look at the woman gazing dotingly at the two boys. "I was worried when you didn't call. I'm sorry, Queen, I had to report it to Kyrie."

She nodded, as if to say she understood and swallowed hard. She would have to face the consequences of her actions as soon as they returned to the Emerson residence. She could be reprimanded for not being better prepared or worse — lose her job for nearly taking the boys on transportation that was considered unsafe to Kyrie.

After the half an hour drive, Norris pulled into the driveway of the gated home and stopped in front of the large double doors. He kept the car running as he exited his side and then walked around to open the back door.

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