Chapter 18

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When a small pair of hands cupped Queen's cheeks, she knew that one of the boys had entered her room to wake her. Opening her eyes and adjusting them to the light, she smiled at Maddox as he climbed into her bed and buried himself under the covers. Nestling himself in her arms, he pressed his small finger to his lips and made a shushing sound, cautiously looking at the door.

"What are we doing, Maddox?" she asked the little boy.

He sheepishly smiled. "Sleeping with Mommy."

She followed his gaze to the open door where Kyrie was walking in, obviously irritated with the entire morning. "Daddy doesn't look too happy," she murmured to herself.

"Maddox, get your shoes on now," he commanded his son. "We are leaving."

Maddox crossed his arms over his chest and puckered his lips disobediently. "I want to stay home with Mommy."

"Now, Maddox Emerson. I will not ask you again."

Maddox hiccuped as he fought the sobs coming out of him and reluctantly stomped out of the room. Without saying another word to his father, he went to his room to find his shoes.

"Why didn't you come to bed?" Kyrie asked Queen once they were alone in her room.

Ignoring his question, she pulled the covers over her chest to hide her protruding nipples and gave him a once over. He was dressed in his usual white button down and black slacks, but he appeared too relaxed, too casual for a work day. "Are you taking the boys somewhere?"

He looked away from her, avoiding her gaze. He felt ashamed for what he would say next, but he wasn't sure why. "I'm taking them to see Rachel."

"Oh," she responded. When she smiled, he felt his entire body relax and the tension in the room completely lift away. "This is good for the boys. It's about time they learned who their mother is."

He tried to return the smile, but it couldn't quite reach his eyes. So he walked over to her bedside and kissed the top of her head, breathing in deeply her scent. "I love you, Queen. And they love you."

She sighed. "It's not about me, so you don't have to make me feel better."

"What are you talking about?"

She chewed her lip and daringly gazed up at him. When her eyes met his onyx ones, staring intently back at her, she sucked in a deep breath and looked at the door, watching for the boys. "Rachel didn't want these boys, but they deserve to know her. I support this. It doesn't hurt me."

He caught her chin in the palm of his hand and forcefully turned her head. His lips met hers before she could react, and her body immediately caved, accepting him. "You're still part of this family," he said before kissing her again. He was gentler this time, engaging tenderly yet passionately to make her moan. When he finally broke away, she was breathless, practically panting into his mouth as she tried to get another taste of his lips, but he pressed a finger to her lips and clicked his tongue. "I'll be home soon."

She swallowed hard. "How soon is soon?"

"Soon," he told her, smirking. He laid a gentle kiss on her head and then turned to the bedroom door, but her voice stopped him.

"Did you call off your engagement?" she called out. She knew the answer to that already.

He paused for a moment, staring at the empty hallway. Then he faced her and nodded his head to respond. "I did," he confirmed. "I met with Lucinda this morning, and we agreed it was best to go our separate ways. She understands that there's another woman in my life."

"You said that I'd hear things about you. Is breaking off your engagement one of them?"

He nodded again.

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